We’ve Lost a Patriot Reader – IOTW Report

We’ve Lost a Patriot Reader

Hi, my name is *******, Rick’s brother. Rick’s wife gave me his phone to answer emails and advise people in his contacts about his death.

He died on Good Friday, he fought the good fight but about two months ago he told his wife and myself, that he was done with the fight and that he’d had enough.

There will be no service as he wished.  Please feel free to advise anyone that you think needs this information, and please respect the family’s privacy at this time.

If anyone chooses to do something in his memory,  he would like them to adopt a pet or make a donation to a no-kill shelter.  Thank you. 

93 Comments on We’ve Lost a Patriot Reader

  1. RIP to a longtimer here. May you truly be free with the Lord today, and may the Lord bless and comfort those you leave behind.

    “For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.”
    Romans 14:8

    Godspeed and God Bless,

  2. BFH
    APRIL 19, 2022 AT 4:36 PM
    “People should know that it was Brad’s alertness and sensitivity that unearthed this info.

    Thank you, Brad.”

    Indeed, thanks to Brad for this and his kindness here to all who suffer, including my own.

  3. Willy, I know he was in a bike wreck, I’m not sure how bad it was. I never actually made contact with him. And by the time I tried it was to late. It sounds like he’d had enough. Cancer sucks,

  4. Heavenly Father,
    Please comfort Rick’s family, loved ones and friends during this tragic time that has come upon them, Guide them through this time of uncertainty. Give them the strength to make all decisions they are faced with.
    In Jesus name Amen.

  5. Left Coast Dan
    APRIL 19, 2022 AT 5:32 PM
    “Is this Kcir we are talking about?
    Prayers for the family.”

    …no, forwards American Rick, who had the name first which is why Canada Kcir did his backwards, as I understand it.

  6. I just got here and saw this post. I participated in that thread in which Rick said he was free. Like others, I did not fully understand the context/significance of it.

    My condolences and prayers for comfort for Rick’s family and friends. RIP.

  7. My prayers and condolences to Rick’s family. I lost my dad on Good Friday last year which ended up being somewhat of a blessing to me in that through my faith in Christ and His resurrection which we Christians celebrate shortly after, I was comforted in the fact that I know I will see my dad again someday. I wish the same peace and comfort for Rick’s family.

  8. So sorry to hear about Rick, will miss his witty comments and friendly banter with fellow iotwer’s 😢

    Thoughts and Prayers to all of Rick’s family and friend’s

    RIP Rick your in good hands now 🙏🕊️

  9. I am grieved to hear this. I liked Rick’s comments and I pray for comfort for his family. God keep you Rick.

    We keep losing too many of good patriots like Rick here.

  10. This is some bullshit right here. I remember steppin’ in the other day when Rick was all pissed and taking it out on some skirt.

    “You never know what the other guy is going through.” Is what I said. I saw that “I’m free” bit and figured dude had a divorce.

    Fuck my whole day.

    Anyway, yuh. Find some smart ass and send em’ our way.

  11. Yea Willy it was Cancer. He posted a couple times he was ready to go into treatment, thinking about treatment, etc. Cancer doesn’t wait. A very sad day. But I do get it.

  12. @ Brad

    You lit me up pretty good a couple of weeks ago, I didn’t respond with everything I was saying to myself, but I believe I may fit into the 17% as well.

    I will miss Rick’s comments and wit.

  13. Rest in peace Rick. Condolences and prayers of healing for family and friends. We have 13 cats at the moment so will make a donation to no kill/no cage cat shelter Stay-A-While in North Royalton, OH in Rick’s memory.

  14. And yes, fuck cancer. I have lost both grandfather’s, a grandmother, an uncle and my best friend, who was 34 and had a 4 year old son at the time to it.

    My father is in treatment for it now, just monitoring thankfully, but these are deaths from cancer, not “with” cancer. Maybe some focus should be put there instead of a new flu strain that kills gunshot and car wreck victims.

  15. Don’t worry Joe6Pak, I still think of you as a 17% dick….LOL, that was funny!….By the way, Rick had the best avatar on this website and now I do….abide the goat!….

  16. Rick, you now know those mysteries most of us are looking for. We have a merciful loving God who reconciled us all with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ.

    You sir are no longer obsolete to this delusional and deceitful world of pain and suffering but are now beyond the joy of resurrection.

  17. Well Rick, if you were here I’d kidnap you and toss you in the passenger side of my blacked out crown vic. We’d go to the pot store (40 mins till it closes, no worries, I can CRUISE at 150)

    After blasting your brains out on FedGov dope we’d hit the casinos. ALL OF THEM. Then, 8 or 12 redbulls and 50 rounds of hot lead dispensed carelessly later, it’s down to Phoenix where we’d catch the 5am flight to San Diego.

    For breakfast.

    All the ish’ he would hate, plus this soundtrack on loop at 235 decibels.


    My offer is good for any of you bastards currently shaking your fist at the grim reaper.

  18. this is something we need to get used to……unless we are destined to be a part of the remnant, we will be taken away…..most of us will be taken away…..the remnant is only a very small part of us…..a very very small part

  19. There’s nothing wrong with me. Some of us plan on going out in a mushroom cloud of high octane fuel and old sweaty sticks of dynamite.

    Plus, my funeral is gonna’ be at a carnival with fireworks, scary clowns and the distinctive pungent aroma of meth sweat.

    Valhalla compadres, where eagles dare.

  20. @ Burr

    “Plus, my funeral is gonna’ be at a carnival with fireworks, scary clowns and the distinctive pungent aroma of meth sweat”.

    Every clown is scary, there is nothing natural about a person in makeup and a costume trying to entice kids to let them touch them.

    I guess we should just call them elementary teachers now.

  21. I couldn’t care less what does or does not go on at my funeral, it’s not like I’m gonna be there anyway.

    Besides, if I do it right, there won’t be enough left for them to even be sure I’m actually dead.


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