Biden Mulls Delaying Title 42 Repeal – IOTW Report

Biden Mulls Delaying Title 42 Repeal


Under intense pressure from vulnerable members of his own party, Joe Biden’s White House staff is seriously considering delaying the end of Title 42 — the pandemic rule that kept 1.7 million illegal aliens from entering the United States.

But Biden is also under enormous pressure from Hispanic Democrats and radicals who are demanding he fling open the borders and allow anyone and everyone entry into the United States.

In the end, Biden is hoping to buy time to get some kind of plan in place that wouldn’t lead to an absolute humanitarian catastrophe at the border. With the Department of Homeland Security estimating that 18,000 illegals a day would need to be processed — up from the current 7,000–8,000 a day — the threat of border resources being overwhelmed is real and growing.

The administration set the deadline to lift Title 42 requirements as May 23. The pandemic measure was issued by the CDC, and that agency has yet to indicate that the rule should be repealed. This may give Biden some political cover with Hispanics and the radicals, but it’s not likely to last long. read more

10 Comments on Biden Mulls Delaying Title 42 Repeal

  1. Demoncrats have an election to steal. Biden will do what he is told in order to facilitate that theft. He won’t do anything else, well, except for shit his pants. Oh, and of course money is tied to it in some way, all the funding needs to be in place, politicians and corporations take what they need and then action will follow.

    Whatever happens, the complete and absolute antithesis of American citizens best interest is the path they take. Isn’t it great they are thinking of us? Only in order to destroy us.

    I’m so sick of these commies.

  2. @¡BENITO THE BOMBED BEANER! April 21, 2022 at 12:06 pm


    When they harm us, how many of them will we kill?

    When they threaten us, how many of them will we kill?

    When they harm us how, much will we pay them, as the price of participating in a republic?

    When they threaten us, how much will we pay them, as the price of participating in a republic?

    Mafs ain’t hard.

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