CNN Says The Capitol Police are Bracing For ‘RIGHT-WING’ Violence Over Roe v. Wade Leak – IOTW Report

CNN Says The Capitol Police are Bracing For ‘RIGHT-WING’ Violence Over Roe v. Wade Leak

LOLOLOL. They are serious.

17 Comments on CNN Says The Capitol Police are Bracing For ‘RIGHT-WING’ Violence Over Roe v. Wade Leak

  1. Nice looking women are right “wing.” Pink/green/blue/rainbow haired multi pierced and tattooed women who tip the scale are left wing. Same applies to men only the lefty men are skinnier than the lefty women and like to dress in black and attack store windows, especially Starbucks.

    Let’s see who shows up. 🤔

  2. @jellybean May 6, 2022 at 8:15 pm

    > Can you imagine what it would REALLY be like IF the conservatives decided to lash out like the liberal pussies??

    Red, white, and blue butt plugs. Stuck between the sofa cushions. When Patriots(TM) roll cheek to cheek. To harumph! Hard.

    The horror!

  3. Since all red diaper doper babies can do is project their lies and fantasies onto us normal folk (like CNN constantly does) I’m gonna say fucknuckle son of a bitch is a faggot who is currently sitting on an anal occupier…

    Squirm a little fucknuckle you might actually start to make sense you tiresome twat.

    You think being obtuse makes you erudite. In reality we are all just laughing at you.

  4. Cisco Kid – nah, I’m not laughing because I gave up reading his/her comments. He/she barely has command of the English language, let alone logic. But I’ll wager he/she gives himself/herself high cleverness marks for broken, grammatically incorrect, comma-strewn sentences that sound ‘pithy.’

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