He’s a professional line stander – IOTW Report

He’s a professional line stander

Good things come to those wait … so others don’t have to. Robert Samuel figured that out a decade ago when he began his career as a line-stander in New York City. The Guardian recently found him waiting to buy tickets for The Music Man. He does this in all weather, at all hours, whatever it takes, and whatever you need: tickets, iPhones, or even a sweet, sweet cronut. He once sat in a French church for 26 days waiting for a euthanasia patient to die as part of a “macabre” art exhibit. This isn’t just a gig; he’s a pro. more

9 Comments on He’s a professional line stander

  1. “When we see really extreme income inequality, this ability to outsource personal tasks becomes more possible. … “

    Vodka Skeletor ~ “Who’s going to take care of our lawns or clean our houses if we don’t allow immigration?” … you mean like those ‘personal tasks’?

  2. A friend of mine from high school saw the value in this and did a start up (before we knew what start ups were) hiring all us college students to take turns standing in line for tickets. He would scalp them for big bucks and pay us back with excellent tickets to the concerts we wanted to see. I sat second row center at The Who and my ears were ringing for 3 days.


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