Audio Reveals Lindsey Graham Claiming Nation Will Unify Around Biden After Jan. 6, Saying He’s ‘Maybe the Best Person to Have, Right?’ – IOTW Report

Audio Reveals Lindsey Graham Claiming Nation Will Unify Around Biden After Jan. 6, Saying He’s ‘Maybe the Best Person to Have, Right?’

Gateway Pundit:
Newly-released audio shows Sen. Lindsey Graham telling a New York Times reporter that Joe Biden is “maybe the best person to have” and that he will unify the nation after the protest on January 6.

New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns gave the audio to CNN to promote their new book, This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future.

The call reportedly took place as Capitol police were still trying to clear out the building.

“We will actually come out of this thing stronger. Moments like this reset. It’ll take a while. People will calm down. People will [say] ‘I don’t want to be associated with that.’ This is a group within a group. What this does, it’ll be a rallying effect for a while, where the country says, ‘We’re better than this,’” Graham told Martin.

Martin responded, asking, “and Biden will be better, right?”

“Totally, he’ll be maybe the best person to have, right? I mean, how mad can you get at Joe Biden?” Graham replied. more

26 Comments on Audio Reveals Lindsey Graham Claiming Nation Will Unify Around Biden After Jan. 6, Saying He’s ‘Maybe the Best Person to Have, Right?’

  1. Agreed.
    Nobody creates more unity than someone who tells a race of people his opponent will put them “back in chains” and that they forfeit their entire racial identity if they don’t vote for a mentally compromised white fossil.

    Way to go Lindsey you limp-wristed faggoty sack of dog shit!

  2. Hate him and almost every fucking R senator. Almost all of them couldn’t care less about what’s best for us rubes. Pushing us into a war for no reason other than to line the pockets of the MIC. Makes me fucking sick.

  3. We are governed by the Uniparty. There are a few good republicans but no good Republican Party. There are fewer good democrats snd absolutely no good democrat party.

    I’m a registered Libertarian and I’ve heard all the criticisms of the Libertarian party but and honest look at the Uniparty and libertarians look pretty damned good.

  4. Lindsay Grahamnesty is typical of the swamp.
    They hate Trump for exposing them.
    They made promises to get things done then said there was too much opposition. Trump proved them liars.

  5. Rich Taylor,

    Re: “…how mad can you get at Biden?”

    For the last 2 years?
    The last 14 years since Barky?
    Over the last 40ish years?

    These last 2 have been impossible to believe.

  6. Like I said before, the Republicans hate Trump as much as the Democrats do, and wanted him gone just as bad. They may not have come up the with plan and may not have been actively involved, but they probably knew about it, saw it playing out, and did fuck all to stop it.

  7. As an aside, I was coming across Prairie Avenue going West from CDA, Idaho to Post Falls today towards Hwy. 41 and I noticed a political sign for some GOP candidate running for either local or state office in a field alongside Prairie Ave. with a great big sign in big letters next to it saying RINO. Someone must not like whoever this is putting a large RINO sign next to this supposedly GOP candidate. It was a new one on me that I’d never seen before.

  8. Republicans don’t hate Trump, they hate us. They’ve always hated their voters. Then as anyone in a red state can tell you, many of them are dyed in wool democrats who only become Republican because they could never win a general election and cheating would be too obvious, not that they don’t pick districts here and there to do it in. They cheat real good in primaries though.

  9. @CT Ginger May 11, 2022 at 6:00 pm

    > There are a few good republicans but no good Republican Party.

    All who are offered the “chance” at a Party throne, must first swear their “sacred” honor, to an empty Party throne. To enact the decrees of whatever sets upon it.

    There are no good (but many Good[TM]), public “servants”. All swear the same oath. To the same empty throne. It is what they are.

  10. Keep in mind that Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio (and others) were/are members of the GANG OF 8, a cult of lowlies who tried to push a bill of widespread amnesty for illegals who broke into the USA. Both Graham and Rubio are RINOs in disguise and are sneaky and sinister.


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