Just Chillin’ – IOTW Report

Just Chillin’

Images from:

1) Sturge (Kittens)
2) Truckbuddy (Sammy) In his new bed.
3) NAAC (Kilo)
4) SNS (Chicken) Dead chickie dayz are back. Girl likes her sun. (NO, she’s not dead, just snoozing in the sun).
5) NAAC (Logan) surfing the comfort sea… as only a cat can.
6) Old guy (Violet)

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:



  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

Note: I will not be checking photos sent in for a while. I have scheduled several weeks of the Critter Posts ahead of time.

Please send any of your photos that you want for future posts. Whatever you send in will be kept for any theme that they might be perfect for or for the Random iOTWr posts.

I will let you know when the Critter Posts will be back to “normal”!

Thanks for your wonderful submissions, contributors!

8 Comments on Just Chillin’

  1. Good morning Claudia, echoing Col. Angus, hope the prayers were answered, your surgery went well, you heal quickly, and your pain is low.

    My girls were literally “cooped up” for a rough winter and remarkably unpleasant spring, so the first truly sunny day they burst out and flapped to their favorite sunny tree and collaped in gratitude into the warm dirt underneath.

    I know you have to walk for your bones to grow into your implants, but don’t overdo it.

    You’re one of the few genuinely nice people here, and we wouldn’t want pain to change that!

    Dear Lord, bless and heal Claudia, manage her pain and knit her bones as only You can do, grant her full and complete healing to Your glory and in Your grace.

    In the merciful name of Jesus we pray,

    God Bless,

  2. Jameson and his owner are grateful for every hour we share together. There’s nothing like a dog or a cat to remind us how fleeting our time together is in this life, and how fast we become old and creaky as we get up in the mornings for breakfast.

    Hopefully, Claudia and her two cats are sharing hours of restful recuperation. Please come back healthy and well soon.

  3. I’m glad everyone is doing well, and taking care of our fur and feather babies. Speaking of feathers, I love how chickens take a dirt bath and then sit in the excavated hole.

  4. Out pets are usually are best friends. They are innocent beings that help us through the worst times.

    God please damn to hell the ones that abuse them or who kick them out to fend for themselves. We hear about a lot of abandoned cats and dogs around here. So cruel.


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