NBC finally takes interest in the Hunter Biden laptop – IOTW Report

NBC finally takes interest in the Hunter Biden laptop

NBC: Analysis of Hunter Biden’s hard drive shows he, his firm took in about $11 million from 2013 to 2018, spent it fast

The hard drive and documents from Senate Republicans indicate few of Biden’s deals ever came to fruition and shed light on how fast he was spending his money.

From 2013 through 2018 Hunter Biden and his company brought in about $11 million via his roles as an attorney and a board member with a Ukrainian firm accused of bribery and his work with a Chinese businessman now accused of fraud, according to an NBC News analysis of a copy of Biden’s hard drive and iCloud account and documents released by Republicans on two Senate committees. 

The documents and the analysis, which don’t show what he did to earn millions from his Chinese partners, raise questions about national security, business ethics and potential legal exposure. In December 2020, Biden acknowledged in a statement that he was the subject of a federal investigation into his taxes. NBC News was first to report that an ex-business partner had warned Biden he should amend his tax returns to disclose $400,000 in income from the Ukrainian firm, Burisma. GOP congressional sources also say that if Republicans take back the House this fall, they’ll demand more documents and probe whether any of Biden’s income went to his father, President Joe Biden. MORE

7 Comments on NBC finally takes interest in the Hunter Biden laptop

  1. Looks like the media is dumping Biden for the next vermin the Dems try to put in the White House. It’s not that any of the media are not cancers in the earth.

  2. “GOP congressional sources also say that if Republicans take back the House this fall, they’ll demand more documents and probe whether any of Biden’s income went to his father, President Joe Biden.”

    …I’ve got a *giggle* feeling they won’t, but maybe that’s just *chuckle* me…

  3. Lemme hop into Mr Peabody’s Wayback Machine… What this reminds me of is the Lewinsky scandal when all things Internet were still relatively new. I had recently discovered The Drudge Report and read about it there. Then I would go home and watch the evening news where I saw nothing whatsoever about it. Well day after day I kept seeing this on Drudge, but zip, zero, nada on Network news. This went on for weeks. I started thinking this Drudge/Internet stuff was all BS… then about a month later it finally broke on Network news. Needless to say I haven’t watched Network “News” since!
    I think “No mercy” is right – the media is finally dumping Biden for the next vermin the Dems try to put in the White House.

  4. I still think they will off the Pedo in some manner that prohibits both the midterms and four or five of our constitutional amendments.

    If not then it’s obvious his time as a literal useful idiot is limited.

    They say he’s at 39% overall now. Strip out the usual Demonrat oversample and its more like 29%.

    Guess they decided the Commie Cunt can’t do any worse. They will be disappointed in that concept however.

    We are circling the drain so fast the midterms may not stop the flush.


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