Data Blows Holes in Dem’s White Supremacist Mass Shooter Narrative – IOTW Report

Data Blows Holes in Dem’s White Supremacist Mass Shooter Narrative


Of the 82 mass public shootings from January 1998 to May 2021, 9 percent have known or alleged ties to white supremacists, neo-Nazis, or anti-immigrant views. Many of the anti-immigrant attackers, such as the Buffalo murderer, hold decidedly environmentalist views that are more in line with the Democrat agenda.

Other groups commit mass public shootings disproportionately more than whites do. While non-Middle Eastern whites make up about 64 percent of the population, they make up 58 percent of the mass public shooters. Another 9 percent are carried out by people of Middle Eastern origin, who make up only 0.4 percent of the country’s population. That makes Middle Easterners the most likely ethnic or racial group to carry out mass public shootings. More

15 Comments on Data Blows Holes in Dem’s White Supremacist Mass Shooter Narrative

  1. A flash flag would not surprise me at all, especially involving children.

    Still no word on the shooter other than he is dead also.

    No info on race following a mass shooting usually means a non-white was involved.

    The press would eagerly report any white committing mass murder.

    Still I expect many more societal ripping false flags before the midterms.

    Dude could be white but it’s odd there is no word yet.

  2. I just read that the shooter, now dead, was an American citizen. My assumption: anchor baby.

    Reportedly he started by offing his abuela and then went out for the kids. It’s also reported that he did his killing away from the school, so calling this a “school shooting” may be a bit of a stretch. No further details at this time, other than the death count is 15, one adult and the rest kids.

    May that evil boy roast in Hell for all eternity.


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