More Absolute Bull$hit From Joe Biden – IOTW Report

More Absolute Bull$hit From Joe Biden

What burns me up a bit is that this dope, for his entire life, has been making up stories that are complete Walter Mitty fantasy, but he still managed to work his way into the presidency. Seems like an injustice in a bizarre universe,

22 Comments on More Absolute Bull$hit From Joe Biden

  1. My father had dementia. He kept talking about weird stuff, off the wall stuff just like Joe. It’s no excuse for Joe, his handlers will always cover for him saying he miss spoke.

  2. Refers to class of 1972. Someone entering academy in 1965 would not be graduating in 1972 (7 years later).
    Age limits to enter 17 to 23 – born in 1942, he would have been 23. Besides, he would’ve already had his degree from Delaware.
    Married first wife in 1966. Cadets and midshipman cannot be married.

  3. The stooopid old bastard doesn’t realize that he can’t tell different lies based on which group he’s speaking to at the time, like it’s still 1965. He doesn’t seem to know or care that every lying word that comes out of his lying mouth is recorded now.

  4. Next Lying Xiden might claim he invented the internet, like AL “The End is Near” Gore. On second thought, in Xiden’s demented state he hasn’t progressed past the 1940s thru 70s era. Doubt he remembers what the internet is anymore.

  5. Whatever audience the Pedo is in front of he will make up some canard that he was one of them.

    Coal miner, Lumberjack, Truck Driver, Bus Driver, Football Star. Midshipman, Whatever.

    This comes from a place if deep-seated insecurities. Kind of like how you always no anyone who says they are a Seal probably isn’t

    My favorite expression was from Evil Kanevil “Heros know who they are”.

    You will never catch a real hero bragging about theur heroics, but a stupid, imbecilic, sociopathic, and irrelevant person always will.

    Ergo the Pedo.

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