Forbes Sale To China Nears – IOTW Report

Forbes Sale To China Nears

Red State

A Chinese-government-controlled company has put in an offer to buy Forbes, the major American news company that built its name on financial analysis.

According to the Free Beacon, Magnum Opus, the CCP-controlled company in question, announced its intent to acquire the property last August. Now, that deal looks to be nearing completion, and it’s drawing outrage from Republicans who are pointing out what a major security risk the move represents. More

13 Comments on Forbes Sale To China Nears

  1. “Now, that deal looks to be nearing completion, and it’s drawing outrage from Republicans who are pointing out what a major security risk the move represents.”

    …you let them steal an election and forcibly install a witless pedophile CCP puppet in the highest office in the land, with full access to every military and financial secret in the U.S. and a Joint Chiefs chairman that was pledging to inform China of US troop movements and orders even BEFORE The Pedo was installed.

    It’s a little late to be worried about major security risks.

  2. “…drawing outrage from Republicans…”

    …yes, always outrage, when not in power.

    But never action when you’re IN it.

    Any time you want to start being “outraged” about the Presidency of the United States being usurped and her rightful president being treasonously deposed by foreign military powers, that’d be great.

    But I won’t be holdingy breath.

  3. Chinese economy is in a world of hurt. Foreign money is fleeing. They’re about to go tits up. Chinese Companies buy nothing without the CCP as a pardner. How are they paying for this purchase?

  4. Absolutely nothing the Chinese Communist Party does or engages in is honorable or upfront, especially considering the vile ChiComs are known baby-killers and human rights violators (think Joe Biden). Some time ago I’ve stopped attending the AMC movie theater in the US after discovering the ChiComs bought it.

  5. Forbes has been a tool of the DemoMarxists for years. Make it official and join the CCP. Who cares. Good riddance you piece of shit commie garbage, cancerous tumor.


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