Arizona judge rules in favor of Starbucks in suit over termination of employees trying to unionize – IOTW Report

Arizona judge rules in favor of Starbucks in suit over termination of employees trying to unionize

JTN: Mega coffee chain Starbucks on Thursday praised an Arizona federal judge’s decision not to reinstate several former employees of the chain who argued they lost their positions for helping to organize a labor union within their coffee shop.

The decision was handed down Wednesday by U.S. District Judge John Tuchi in a Phoenix, Arizona district court. Tuchi struck down the National Labor Relations Board’s request to reinstate the three employees to their former positions.

“There is not sufficient evidence to support the Regional Director’s unfair labor practice charge against Starbucks, thus the Regional Director, the Court finds is not likely to succeed on the merits with regard to these complaints. The Court will deny the injunctive relief requested and it will dismiss the petition,” wrote Tuchi.

Tyler Gillette, Laila Dalton, and Alyssa Sanchez were the three employees at the center of the case against the conglomerate.

The Hill reported that a spokesperson for Starbucks said the company was pleased with the court’s decision. MORE

8 Comments on Arizona judge rules in favor of Starbucks in suit over termination of employees trying to unionize

  1. Why unionize a place that no one is going to stay at more than three or so years? Just an attempt to screw over your employer with benefits they’ll have to pay for long after you’re gone. A job that you’re panning on staying at twenty years or more makes perfect sense. But starbucks?

  2. I think unions are a scourge on employers. They purport to help workers, but all they are is way to funnel money to the criminals who run the union. Crummy employees can’t be fired and the business has to pay inflated wages. The increased costs get passed on the the consumer. Fewer customers buy the product, so fewer people get jobs. The union doesn’t care, all they want is their slice of the dues.

  3. these companies all scream ‘Unions are for the Worker!’ .. ‘You have nothing to lose but your chains!’ … ‘Unite!, Protest!, Stick it to The Man!, Tear the System Down!’

    … until these preening, latte-sipping, ‘View’ viewing, pretend-progtard capitalist companies need to get the muscle of the eroding capitalist-created judicial system, that they, themselves are trying to collapse (due to their policies), to protect them

    ironic, ain’t it?

  4. “Unions are a communist front.”

    Front, Center, Back, and Flanks.

    A criminal organization to funnel money extorted from “workers.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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