January 6 Panel Chairman Bennie Thompson Rules out Trump Criminal Referral – IOTW Report

January 6 Panel Chairman Bennie Thompson Rules out Trump Criminal Referral

GP: Monday marked day two of Liz Cheney’s Maoist January 6 show trial.

January 6 panel Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) on Monday evening said the committee will not be making criminal referrals to the Justice Department.

“If the Department of Justice looks at it and assumes that there’s something that needs further review. I’m sure they’ll do it,” Thompson said to reporters.

When asked again if the January 6 committee would ever make a criminal referral “No, that’s not our job. Our job is to look at the facts and circumstances around January 6, what caused it and make recommendations after that.” more

12 Comments on January 6 Panel Chairman Bennie Thompson Rules out Trump Criminal Referral

  1. “January 6 panel Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) on Monday evening said the committee will not be making criminal referrals to the Justice Department.”

    That’s pretty funny coming from a panel that has intentionally altered evidence. And has no legitimacy from the get.
    Liz Cheney’s opening remarks, “And to all those Republicans defending Trump, he won’t be around for ever”
    Well guess what bitch, you’re a memory after November. Until you trial.

  2. This simply means the Committee for Public Safety is following Pilate’s example and washing its hands in the matter. Now the Department of Harassment and Persecution led by scorned would-be Supreme Court Justice Garland will take up the burden and focus on the Prime Evildoer in the Catastrophe of Jan 6 – Donald Trump.

    Hmmm…Garland’s failure to be confirmed on SCOTUS couldn’t by any chance have anything to do with his refusal to enforce the laws about harassment and intimidation of judges, could it?

  3. Lol!
    On the Sunday shows ol’ Benny was saying, for the umpteenth time, that they had the evidence to indict Trump.

    Amazing what clowns these people are making of themselves.
    They’ll make weak azz campaign ads with clips from the show and it won’t go well.

  4. Bennie Thompson
    JUNE 14, 2022 AT 7:47 AM
    “In other words, we got nothing. We’re just here to blow smoke up your ass.”

    And distract from the continuing Democrat deliberate destruction (or DDD) of America, don’t forget…

  5. Of course he’s gonna rule it out. In a real court, Trump would have a right to mount an actual defense, and that would include all the evidence this farcical shit-show of a classic Schiff kangaroo court is hiding. This wasn’t a riot. It was an FBI false narrative operation, period.


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