LOL- Robert Reich Suggests a Republican for President – IOTW Report

LOL- Robert Reich Suggests a Republican for President

The Staunch Democrat says Liz Cheney is exactly what the country needs right now.


Robert Reich, who describes himself as both progressive and liberal, is floating the idea of a conservative for president. In a Substack post, the former Clinton labor secretary suggests GOP Rep. Liz Cheney might be precisely what the country needs. “I’ve been in and around American politics for well over a half century,” he writes, and “I’ve never seen this nation as bitterly divided as it is now.” In his view, routine politics should take a back seat to the necessity of healing this rift, and he argues that nobody is better qualified than Cheney. She has shown more integrity than any US politician since the Capitol attack by bucking her own party to go after former President Trump and his “Big Lie,” writes Reich. (Cheney is vice chair of the ongoing Jan. 6 hearings.)

“It will be impossible to reunite this nation without a leader who is the exact opposite of Trump—driven not by narcissism but by a passion for the rule of law and the Constitution—someone who has staked everything on opposing Trump’s demagogic authoritarianism, someone with huge stores of courage and integrity,” writes Reich. He wants Cheney to run against Trump in the GOP primary, though he also writes that he will “probably” back President Biden should he run again. Reich acknowledges that he opposes many of Cheney’s conservative policies. “But we are at an inflection point in this nation over a set of principles that transcend any particular positions or policies.”


Let me get this straight.

He thinks Cheney would be a uniter because she opposes Trump. But, what happens to all the people that support Trump?

See, this just emphasizes that the midget doesn’t even see anyone unless they think like he does.

But the upshot is, he will vote for Biden, not Cheney. Does that make sense? Doesn’t that mean that Biden has not unified the country?

If we need Liz Cheney, because the country is fractured, that means it’s fractured under Joe. But he won’t vote for Cheney.

Maybe there isn’t that much oxygen down there where Reich has to breathe. All those cocktail party farts are killing his brain cells.

26 Comments on LOL- Robert Reich Suggests a Republican for President

  1. Liz for President, sounds good, those re-education camps long overdue! What will happen to the Trump supporters. Well those who create a problem at the re-education camps will be shipped off to Putin/Russia, he needs a temporary work force after killing all his young men.

  2. And I nominate RR as Height-Restrained Loudmouth Idiot of the Decade. Little dude needs to STFU and crawl back into his dwarf cave. What he lacks in height he makes up for in misguided self-importance

  3. I think Conservative Treehouse predicted that Liz Cheney would run for POTUS as an Independent after she’s ousted from her WY seat-only to act as a spoiler against Trump in 2024.

    Good lord, who would vote for her?!?

  4. When Reich took over Labor he decided to eat with the Proles in the Cafeteria.

    While standing in line to get his slop, a woman asked: “What do you do?”
    He answered: “Secretary.”
    She asked: “Whose?”

    First and last time he ate with the Proles.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. It’s not surprising to see shorty come out with this endorsement. He can label himself anything he wants but bottom line he’s a Globalist on steroids. And Globalists just love NeoCons. The Globalists did everything they could to get Trump out of office because he was costing them to much money. So they install the retard and who knew. Between is straight up stupidity and his love for anything green, he’s killing their income too. From their perspective something definitely needs to be done.

  6. He gets a column up once a week on CommonDreams. He might have all the right degrees but he is one fucking clueless mofo. There’s not a thing he could tell me other than the weather below my knees, that I’d believe .

  7. The part of the liberal mantra about Trump – that’s he’s an authoritarian – even a dictator – is so far out there it is impossible to understand – he did not repress any of our rights, did not shut down any media, did not suspend the writ of habeus corpus – these things Lincoln did, albeit during wartime.

    He respected the rights of states and cities when he did not send in federal troops to stop the riots in the wake of the Floyd death. They denied federal help and he respected that decision.

    If anything, he was weak regarding the wall. If he runs again, I wonder if he will even mention it.


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