Violent crimes, overdoses skyrocket after Portland decriminalizes drugs – IOTW Report

Violent crimes, overdoses skyrocket after Portland decriminalizes drugs


Drug overdoses have skyrocketed in the state of Oregon following the passing of Measure 110 in November of 2020, a measure that decriminalized the possession of small amounts of illegal drugs such as fentanyl, heroin, meth, and cocaine.

Data revealed that drug overdose deaths in the state of Oregon shattered records in 2021 with 1069 recorded cases of overdoses, a 41 percent increase since the passage of the measure, according to Fox News.

Under the new law, possession of drugs is a Class E felony; punishable by a maximum $100 fine. However, charges are dismissed as long as addicts call a help hotline and complete a health assessment, hoping that they will enter treatment instead of spending time in jail. more

13 Comments on Violent crimes, overdoses skyrocket after Portland decriminalizes drugs

  1. “Violent crimes, overdoses skyrocket after Portland decriminalizes drugs”

    As intended.


    It’s what their deal with satan calls for them to do.

    …and they enjoy doing it, too…

  2. By the 1970s my mother labeled me a Bircher and a reactionary when I pointed out where Seattle and Portland were headed if they continued on their path. I also got a lot of pushback right here on this site for expressing my opinion regarding what both of those “tolerance” worshipping satanic shitholes were in for.

    WTF Homer, how could it have not developed as it did and how in the hell could anyone fail to recognize that to deny it was denying every bit of experience the world has ever known.

  3. No kidding. Perhaps it might be easier to just provide free drugs to those who register as “drug addicts”. They get their drug of choice in whatever amount they want and can shoot up/snort/smoke wherever they want. The city/state can even give them “clean” dens in which to do it. However, there are two restrictions:
    1) they (male and female) will have to be sterilized so they cannot conceive a child, and 2) if they overdose they are not treated.

    It kind of violates Christian beliefs, but what are you going to do? They won’t stop and they bring ruin/destruction down not only on them but on those around them.

  4. It may just be urban legend, but I heard that when Mao took over China, they gave all the opium addicts two years to get clean. Everyone failing to do so was shot. Not suggesting that here, but fact is, there are harsh measures that can be taken (and not just for dealers) to greatly curtail this problem.

  5. On a related note:

    Interesting factoid I stumbled upon today: Of the largest cities in the US (over 100,000 population), 22 of them have a population density of more than 10,000 people per square mile. All 22 have had an estimated net population DECREASE since the 2020 census.

    Additionally, 8 of the 10 largest cities have decreased in population in the same time period. Maybe people really are getting tired of the crime and congestion (and Democratic leadership) in the big cities.


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