Planned Parenthood to Stop Killing Babies in Wisconsin Saturday – IOTW Report

Planned Parenthood to Stop Killing Babies in Wisconsin Saturday


Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin has announced it will suspend abortions after June 25th.

After that, the organization says it will direct patients to out of state facilities or work with them to find alternative care.

PPW says the reason for this is because of the awaited Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade, saying it could disrupt abortion care if it is overturned. Here

8 Comments on Planned Parenthood to Stop Killing Babies in Wisconsin Saturday

  1. Let’s hope and pray that that rat bastard Chief Justice John Roberts doesn’t muck things up by voting to keep Roe as established law even if it is totally unconstitutional. We’ll know in a week or so, I don’t trust Roberts to do the right thing.

  2. The REAL fact is that PP doesn’t want association with the minority-hating Margaret Sanger, the vile slob who initiated and developed the killing machine against black and ethnic babies, using false info and pretentious “humanitarian” and “we are the world” feels. PP also had aligned with the black-murdering Ku Klux Klan, a favorite and “friend” of Joe Biden past and present.

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