People Who Still Support Biden – IOTW Report

People Who Still Support Biden

33 Comments on People Who Still Support Biden

  1. last payday I wanted to go to the big city – 75 miles. gas at $4.16 – naah. next day gas was at $4.56 and I realized it’s now or never.

    didn’t find most of what I looked for. everything I want can be found on the ninnynet. from now until the democrats are flushed like a turd, it will be cheaper to buy from eBay and risk getting useless products, versus holding items in my hand before I buy.

  2. Where did all the faggots in this thread come from?

    Fuel prices started sharply rising the week joetato stole office. Your faggot “Putin/Ukraine” lies don’t stand up to scrutiny.

  3. Erik

    Their grammar and phrasing is suspect. I don’t think they are US citizens. So they can suck on my big ass balls. They’re so fucked up it’s not even worth baiting them.
    I’m missing the old trolls.

  4. LOL.

    Erik, TRF, Joe6 and Mrs Joe6, MJA, and myself need a rendezvous. Like the old trappers. I know I missing a bunch. We should find some remote place, schedule it, pass out the Lat And Longe, and blast the hell out of the Feds when they show up. LOL LOL. Hey, I’m a comedian.

  5. The real reason PedoJoe Bidumb fell off his bike is that he was distracted by a little girl standing in the gallery of media and toadies. The moment he saw that sweet innocent face it reminded him of naked showers with his daughter when she was that age.

  6. Joe6,
    I have a place in mind almost on the border. Extreme NorCal. It would be a rough camp. No running water, no power. I’ll check it out and send you some links. Just sayen, I can make a rough camp seem like Club med.

  7. Both the the boss and myself have done plenty of rough camping. It’s been a few years but we can handle it. Plus, I’m pretty damn tired of people, if we were remote I’d say were interested.

  8. Brad are there fish in the river or lake?
    If there is water and wood for a fire we can camp with the best of you. Late in the year they might not let us have a fire.

  9. Brad We drive from Seattle to Ashland in a day try not to drive the Siskiyous pass in the dark. Or are you thinking of some where off of 395 on the east side.

  10. @Erik the ne’er do well unmasked scumbag
    JUNE 22, 2022 AT 9:35 PM
    “Where did all the faggots in this thread come from?”

    All? No, just one incoherent asshole posting under 5 or 6 aliases.

  11. If it is one incoherent faggot I would have no way of knowing. I’m not part of the code here.

    I see multiple incoherent faggots, and none of them are us, except maybe fuckknuckle. Ok, maybe he’s not a faggot, he’s just fucking incoherent. And fucking retarded.


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