Biden’s Point-Person on Abortion – IOTW Report

Biden’s Point-Person on Abortion

Patriot Retort: Look out, folks, the woman in charge of the crisis at the border is now the Biden administration’s point-person on abortion!

What could possibly go wrong?

I know. Roe v. Wade gets overturned after nearly fifty years and since I’m laid up with a Lupus flare, I haven’t written a damn word about it until today. Sorry. Couldn’t be helped.

The best part about Biden making Kammy his point-person on abortion is that means we’re going to have loads of new interviews featuring Kamala’s trademark word salad answers.

Rush Limbaugh often said of Hillary Clinton that the more we see her, the less we like her. That holds true for Kamala Harris as well.

Sure, many pundits, even some on the right, are claiming the SCOTUS decision will boost Democrats’ chances in November. But the decision to make Kamala the point-person on abortion is going to counteract any perceived benefit Democrats may have hoped for. more

15 Comments on Biden’s Point-Person on Abortion

  1. …in fairness, the Whore IS a good pro-abortion poster child as are all Democrats as this world would have been SO much better off it if SHE and all they were killed in the womb, so there’s that…

  2. (*Chuckle*)

    “The best part about Biden making Kammy his point-person on abortion is that means we’re going to have loads of new interviews featuring Kamala’s trademark word salad answers.

    And don’t underestimate the importance of the passage of time for that to come true!

  3. So she proposes the federal government pay for an all-expense paid vacation from red states to, let’s say California, for an abortion. Well I can’t see any potential for abuse in that. You will have women getting pregnant on purpose just so they can get a trip to Disneyland. These people are nuts.

  4. This bimbo stands out as uniquely unlikable, even among the herd of unlikable See You Next Tuesdays the Democrats have hitched their wagon to. This is not going to play well in middle America.

  5. JDHasty
    JUNE 29, 2022 AT 1:27 PM
    “This bimbo stands out as uniquely unlikable, even among the herd of unlikable See You Next Tuesdays the Democrats have hitched their wagon to. This is not going to play well in middle America.”

    Thats the whole POINT. We’re not trying to win you over, we’re just pushing it in your faces how bad you LOST! We set THIS gibbering social disease over you just to HUMILIATE you that even such as THIS is the boss of you?

    What, you think we care about votes and crap? That’s what Dominion is for!

    We could EASILY stomp you all right NOW, but we want to see you squrm and have fake hope, only to steal even BIGGER in November just so we can enjoy watching you pule about it and not do ANYTHING else, just like you did when we stole your precious presidency!

    Then we’ll have the Chinks finish you off, using a REAL virus this time, but we’ll put it in a vaxxine and force you to inject YOURSELF just so we can laugh in your face when you die.


    You have no idea how bad you lost.

    But we’re gonna show you, just before we kill you, just so we can gloat about it later.

    We’re gonna dust this stupid bitch too, don’t you worry about that, but only AFTER we’re done laughing at you having to call her “President” in a couple of months. Yeah, after that she’s no longer useful and will kick her out or suicide her, haven’t decided which.

    Too bad YOU won’t live to see it.

  6. ^ Nice try! Democrats don’t think that clearly about what they’re trying to do. They only react with feelings. Ergo, you’re not a Democrat. Comedian, maybe. Well known iOTW commeter, most likely! 🙂


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