This Democrat’s Car Keeps Getting Attacked – IOTW Report

This Democrat’s Car Keeps Getting Attacked

‘Defund the police’ advocate Cori Bush says her vehicle has been shot at three times since 2014.

Rep. Cori Bush (D., Mo.) needs a new car.

The controversial congresswoman, a proud member of “The Squad,” has shelled out tens of thousands of dollars on private security while continuing to advocate for “defunding the police.” Bush’s critics, she said, need to “suck it up.”

In any event, she is clearly not doing enough to protect the security of her vehicle, according to an analysis by Twitter user @JusticeDemWatch. Based on news reports and Bush’s posts on social media, her car has been attacked on at least five occasions since 2014, when she claimed a bullet was fired through the trunk of her car during a protest in Ferguson, Mo.

In June 2019, the congresswoman posted a series of bizarre tweets in response to what she described as a suspicious encounter with a black vehicle.

“The black car with tinted windows sent to crash into me the other day was yet again, an unsuccessful attempt to stop me,” wrote Bush, who was a candidate for Congress at the time. “So tell ya boss & ya buddies I only get more fired up each time.”

The congresswoman had a message for the “cowards” who tried to get her: “I’M NOT AFRAID OF YOU & I’M NOT GOING TO STOP!” Bush proceeded to announce that she was not suicidal and asked her followers to demand an investigation should anything happen to her.

“If I choke, fall down stairs, die in my sleep, car accident, ‘accidental’ shooting, suicide etc. INVESTIGATE,” she said. “I don’t need sympathy, I need people to know this stuff is real and it has never stopped. Not a conspiracy theory.” more

26 Comments on This Democrat’s Car Keeps Getting Attacked

  1. She’s THAT important!! C’mon, man, INVESTIGATE!!

    Just the facts, Ma’am. Here’s what we’ve found:

    1. We’ve identified 23 black cars in your vicinity.
    2. We’re watching all black cars exclusively.
    3. We checked with old boyfriends and people who generally hate your guts and we have too many persons of interest at this time.
    4. We’ll keep you posted.

  2. ‘Defund the police’ advocate Cori Bush says her vehicle has been shot at three times since 2014.

    Really? Weird.

    Maybe you should do like the Texas A & M graduate that moved because he found out 95%+ of train accidents happen within 5 miles of one’s home.

    Try Mexico. I hear the cost of living is lower there.

    Whatever. Just go and be less holey while trying to be more holy.

  3. Democrats have a penchant for faking reality, if you actually give-a-shit, ask me how I know. Or, better yet, pay attention to what’s happening in America.

  4. “The black car with tinted windows sent to crash into me the other day was yet again, an unsuccessful attempt to stop me.”


    Try Harder!
    It’s just a matter of time…

    AND, by then, there likely won’t be any more police officers left in local LE to do anything about it anyway.

  5. The Demwit has no clue Ultra MAGA could care less about her fate. Most don’t know who she is – a leftist loon. Staging threatens to her life is like crying wolf. It won’t be the right making it real, but one of her commie colleagues wanting to take her place.

  6. Attacked and shot at?
    Proof and pics, or it’s all delusional.


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