450GB of Data Unlocked from Hunter Biden’s Hacked iPhone – IOTW Report

450GB of Data Unlocked from Hunter Biden’s Hacked iPhone

Daily Veracity

Researchers on 4Chan have begun examining an offline backup of Hunter Biden’s phone. They found the password and are going through all the files.

There is reportedly approximately 450GB of data still remaining hidden on the President’s son’s iPhone backup log.

The individual who initially released the data claimed to have been threatened by unnamed individuals close to the administration. More

19 Comments on 450GB of Data Unlocked from Hunter Biden’s Hacked iPhone

  1. So they’re liars, cheats, and criminals.
    Nothing we didn’t already know.
    The America oligarchs and their cronies, Gates, Bezos, Bidens, Clintons, Obutthead, Schumer, Schiff, Pelosi, Bush, Cheneys, ……..

  2. ^^^ “Must be an awfully large iPhone.”

    his computer were accessed quite a while ago.
    this is his iCloud account that is being revealed, which does appear to be 450 gb.
    sooner or later, it will have to be acknowledged. there will be a directed (msm) focus on, and dismissal of, the sexual debauchery and drug use, and avoidance of the biden crime family corrupt business dealings. they’ll try to use ‘coverage’ of one to cover the other.

  3. Apparently some of his conversations are with a family member tagged Pedo Peter….wanna guess who that is?

    I pray the Lord uses this sick demon to destroy the entire pit of vipers know as the Biden family and the fire spreads to expose the entire cabal of perverts and pedos.

  4. 8000 selfie pics of his infected dick.

    Probably a few while giving it to Beau’s wife, Hallie.

    You did great Joe! My God what a family…

  5. I don’t know for sure, but this might be a bigger story than most people will admit to since most politicians & their families seem to be untouchable. Just reading on a different site that has screen grabs & texts. A small sample. Hunter apparently was searching on a porn site for 12 year old girls, was in contact with a person called “Pedo Peter” & a very disturbing picture of Hunter with a tied up girl on a bed with a bag over her head while he looks beyond stoned eating a sandwich & texts with Hallie about Joe & Hunter both having literal arsenals of guns in their houses. 4Chan has apparently been threatened by the administration & FBI with shutting down the site. Seems to me that they are desperately trying to cover their asses, because it is all true & Biden knows that this could certainly bring them all down, senile or not. Desperate people do dangerous things when cornered, just like an animal will. Perhaps another mass shooting to deflect from this? Or something even worse? We shall see what washes out.


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