Democrats in Key Primary Races Beat Each Other Up Over Abortion – IOTW Report

Democrats in Key Primary Races Beat Each Other Up Over Abortion


Democrats are turning on Democrats over abortion.

Democrats running for governor in several states have started publicly chiding their primary opponents for not doing enough to ensure abortion rights in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. More

9 Comments on Democrats in Key Primary Races Beat Each Other Up Over Abortion

  1. Keep yammering about abortion, Ukraine, and the Green New Deal, all the while normal folks are suffering from gas prices, inflation, crime, and a bad economy. They really do have their finger on the pulse of the American electorate, idiots.

  2. Rich Taylor
    “abortion, Ukraine, and the Green New Deal,”
    Because these polarize the population, They don’t want you to dwell on real things like Hunter naked on the beach, or weighing out crack, stolen election, Jan 6, Plandemic, etc.


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