Hunter Declared “National Security Risk” By GOP – IOTW Report

Hunter Declared “National Security Risk” By GOP


GOP officials expressed alarm over a recent leak that saw explicit media involving first son Hunter Biden circulating online, deeming the president’s disgraced son a threat to “national security” while calling for a full-scale investigation over the matter.

Following an alleged hack by 4chan users into Hunter Biden’s personal iCloud account over the past week and the subsequent spread of its content across social media, Republicans took to Twitter to blast the president’s son over the explicit and damaging material. More

15 Comments on Hunter Declared “National Security Risk” By GOP

  1. How about declaring him AND his old man Enemies of the State, and then actually DOING SOMETHING about them? You can also charge Mitt and Lizz too, in the spirit of bipartisanship!

  2. So, the real President went through a terrible partisan impeachment over a phone call inquiring about the Biden crime family.
    Now there is undeniable evidence that President Trump was 100% correct.
    Where is the impeachment based upon real criminal actions?
    Also, since President Trump was correct,the first impeachment should be expunged from the record.
    Likewise impeachment 2 since President Trump clearly was re-elected.

  3. Too bad we don’t have a functioning honest justice department that would take an honest look into this. But we don’t,they just ignore or decide “nothing was found” on anything that the left says don’t touch this and it will just fade out. The Fake Bureau of Investigation only investigates when they are told they can by preferred politicians that tells them what to and not to do and when. So any investigation of a select political group that runs the controls is dead in the water and will sink like a stone.

  4. We had one in there for 4 years no wonder the country is gone to hell in a hand basket. Then on top of it he took better yet STOLED secret government papers & documents home with him to destroy evidence of his criminal government deals. Thats treason.

  5. “National Security”?

    So, the Republicans are proud they do The People’s Business(TM), by lying to the people?

    Where’s that “shocked” (by the Uniparty) emoji?

  6. Fnucky, you’re missing the larger point. the GOP is not a government entity. It can declare all it wants, it has no authority to back it up.

    It’s just the sort of day late dollar short appeasement these jackasses have been foisting on us since…..hang on…..1866.


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