Bidenflation is Ruination – IOTW Report

Bidenflation is Ruination

Washington Examiner

Soaring inflation means that workers’ real earnings are falling at the fastest rate in decades.

Inflation accelerated to an excruciating 9.1% for the 12 months ending in June, the highest level in four decades, according to the consumer price index report released on Wednesday. Hourly earnings have failed to keep pace.

As a result, inflation-adjusted hourly earnings decreased by 1% from May to June alone, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the past year, from last June to this June, the hourly earnings of workers declined by 3.6%. More

So what exactly does the Misery Index tell us? First, we know that as the rate of inflation grows, the cost of living increases. If the unemployment numbers also rise, more and more people fall into poverty. In theory, adding those two rates together gives us the Misery Index, which acts as a kind of snapshot in time gauging the health of the economy as a whole. In practice and since both unemployment and inflation significantly impact the average American wage earner’s spending power, the Misery Index also gauges how negatively impacted the quality of American life is by Bidenflation. To put it another way, as the Misery Index climbs, the quality of American life declines. More

8 Comments on Bidenflation is Ruination

  1. This and falling demand will kill the labor market.

    The fun is only beginning.

    Pray for those families with limited resources. Despite the promises of the left, they will be left in the cold, by the side of the road.

  2. We thought O’bola was the biggest fuck up. Now this evil puppet.

    Gee whiz, everything is fucked up! Fucked up worse than that other puppet!

  3. When you fundamentally realize that this misery is by design it starts to make much more sense.

    The Keyan Queer and the Pedo are and always been figure heads.

    They intended to destroy the middle class and make everyone who is not an elite a serf wholly dependent on gubmit

    The only thing preventing us from becoming a one world government like Canada is our weapons.

    Guns up America, they are not going to cede power.

    If the election occurs it will be a miracle.

  4. Every single thing they do is to the detriment of this once-great country.
    It is as plain as the rise in the cost of eggs.
    Weimar, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Argentina, North Korea … here we come!

    Only hate-American bastards can support this filthy pedophilic usurping traitor and his parasitic maggot hangers-on.

    Sadly, they’re not leaving the Americans many options.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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