Biden’s Doctor Is Hiding Something… – IOTW Report

Biden’s Doctor Is Hiding Something…

For the second day in a row, reporters at the White House wanted to know why Joe Biden’s doctor is defying every president before him by declining to meet with them and respond to inquiries about his health.

Reporters are growing impatient with the administration’s lack of efforts to keep them informed as Biden is reportedly walled up in isolation at the White House with COVID.

Summit News

COVID-19 response coordinator Ashish Jha took the brunt of the backlash Monday with reports from Fox News, The New York Times, CBS News and Newsmax all demanding to know why the White House physician Colonel Kevin O’Connor is nowhere to be seen.

CBS News Radio White House correspondent Steven Portnoy asked “why the President’s personal physician is not here? Are you familiar with a reason? Has the President decided not to send his physician here to answer our questions the way that his predecessors have decided to send their physicians here?”

Jha attempted to brush off the topic, claiming that reporters have “heard every day from the President’s physician through his detailed accounting of his assessment, his plan.”

“Are you familiar with a reason the president decided not to send his physician here to answer our questions the way his predecessors have?” Biden COVID Coordinator Ashish Jha: “Yeah, so, um, look…”

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20 Comments on Biden’s Doctor Is Hiding Something…

  1. “Biden’s Doctor Is Hiding Something…”

    …and has been for a long time.

    Untreatable late-stage neurosyphilis (paresis).


    Syphilis infection can damage many different nerves of the brain. With general paresis, symptoms are usually those of dementia and may include:

    Memory problems
    Language problems, such as saying or writing words incorrectly
    Decreased mental function, such as problems thinking and with judgment

    Mood changes

    Personality changes, such as delusions, hallucinations, irritability, inappropriate behavior”

    …he’s not only a complete fraud but a complete peophiliac perv; he’s end-stage now and he’ll die a perv’s death, and there’s nothing they can do about it except hide him until they figure out a good FBI false flag to get rid of him and grab guns at the same time.

    No wonder the “doctor” is hiding.

    If 2020 did nothing else, it certainly showed the true colors of modern medicine, or what Democrats managed to turn it into for political gain.

    Democrats ruin everything.

  2. Take note of Biden’s recent public squawking on his typical bullssshhyt. His eyelids appear to be taped to his head and don’t blink. While his lids aren’t likely scotch-taped, Biden’s non-blinking open stare is due to a progressive Parkinson disease with his brain unable to signal for muscles to blink with the lack of eye movement soon to follow. Said brain should be pried out then tossed into the nearest dumpster bin along with the incompetent body, then set aflame to prevent the spread of BidenVirus.

  3. “Yeah, so, um…”

    Almost nothing sets my teeth on edge more than this adolescent habit of starting every response with “yeah.” The only thing worse is starting every sentence with “so”. Worse still is acknowledging someone’s correct conclusions with “that’s fair.”

  4. The White house Story Weavers team are still working on revisions for the final public release version. Because some of the reporters are becoming skeptical.

  5. His doctors name is Ashish, rhymes with hashish. Reminds of a dr we had in these parts a long time ago named Dr Cholera. No shit. Wonder how many patients he had?

  6. If Biden can’t meet with the subordinate heads of state (quarantined), isn’t he incapacitated and needs to succeed until (if) he’s able to carry out the duties of office fully?

  7. FJB is suffering from a pernicious form of rectal cancer caused by prolonged exposure to Rogain due to the decades FJB has spent with his head up his ass.


  8. Biden did blurt out he had cancer the day before the Covid diagnosis just like so many other people from Delaware. And everyone let that one go. Dementia, Covid, Cancer and who knows what else. Even the endless supply of ice cream and children aren’t keeping him together.

  9. Dry gulched JULY 27, 2022 AT 7:57 AM
    “His doctors name is Ashish, rhymes with hashish.”

    Affirmative Action hiring at its finest.

    Dr. Jill would be Surgeon General if she had darker skin.

  10. Preach it SNS, that’s exactly what is going on. They are pumping the Pedos perverted ass with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cutting edge medications weekly and he is still in rapid uncontrollable decline.

    The child molester is dying right before our eyes. Before natural causes claim this monster they will leverage a red capped AR toting “MAGA” type to finish the job in another false flag operation.

    Probably in early October so they can martyr milk for a month and push gun confiscation.

    Maybe even martial law. Who knows. Nazi Piglousi will probably start WW3 before then anyway.

    Either way they will prevent the midterms.

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