Jesse Watters Disappoints Jon Stewart Fans- Stewart Isn’t as Smart as He Thinks He Is – IOTW Report

Jesse Watters Disappoints Jon Stewart Fans- Stewart Isn’t as Smart as He Thinks He Is

4 Comments on Jesse Watters Disappoints Jon Stewart Fans- Stewart Isn’t as Smart as He Thinks He Is

  1. Whatever crop Jon has been growing and smoking, I believe he’s misguided. Like Jesse said, nice of him to root for veterans, but put the blame where it belongs. Dems can’t and won’t do that, no liberal can.

  2. Would this be the comedian formerly known as Jonathan Leibowitz? One and the same? The man who never found anything about Baracky Osmidgen to criticize or satirize? The same comedian who can’t find a single thing about Dementia Joe to criticize or satirize? He’s preaching to an empty audience now.


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