Bill Maher Calls For the Democrats To Go Back to the Center and Be a Sensible Party – IOTW Report

Bill Maher Calls For the Democrats To Go Back to the Center and Be a Sensible Party


During the “Overtime” segment of Friday’s edition of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher said that President Joe Biden’s handling of “AOC and the woke people” reminds him of a grandfather who “just goes along” with what his grandchildren want to do even though, “He doesn’t really understand it.”

After saying that Biden “bends to” the radicals, Maher argued that there could be a centrist third party that “would force the Democrats to go back to being the sensible middle party.”

He added, “I mean, Biden reminds me of some grandfather and when AOC and the woke people come into his office, he just goes along. He doesn’t really understand it. It’s like, grandpa, can we have money to go play Fortnite? And he’s like, yeah, just take it. I don’t know what Fortnite is. I don’t know what TikTok is, just get out of my hair.”

19 Comments on Bill Maher Calls For the Democrats To Go Back to the Center and Be a Sensible Party

  1. Now that Mahr has helped create the madness that is our modern country, he’s coming foward with the solutions. No thanks, Mahr. Get to the back the bus and be quiet.

  2. “…….Democrats to go back to being the sensible middle party.”

    Excuse me?…when were they ever that? They’ve always been a mix of southern klan lovers & northern eugenics loving prigs. Fuck them & anyone doltish & or criminal enough to actually cast a vote for them.

  3. Can anyone alive name the last time that the democraps were a sensible party? Possibly during the Truman administration in the late 40’s but only because we were just coming off a victory in World War 2 and we were a saner country back then. But even then, I doubt it with the start of the Cold War.

  4. I think I’m younger than most people here but I remember a time when the Democratic Party was not bat-shit insane. Sure, they embraced dopey ideas; the war on poverty, Keynesian economics, taxing your way to prosperity (OK, they still believe that), and affirmative action for the purposes of leveling the playing field, but they got the essentials; the sanctity of civil rights, projecting American power thru out the world, and the need for people to be independent of government services.

    Now they have morphed into something totally unrecognizable, making it impossible for comity or accommodation.

  5. When did the democrats every be “sensible” and were in “the center”?
    They never were. They are a hybrid Nazi/Communist party.
    But then again, this is coming from Bill Maher, a life long democrat and Obama mega donor. He pretends to be a centrist. He is far left hack.

  6. There will be no going back to center because Maher and others of his ilk have managed to turn the Democrat Party into a mob of unrestrained psychopaths.

  7. @ Rich Taylor
    I was in agreement until “the sanctity of civil rights”. Was it not the Dems sicing dogs and turning fire hoses on civil rights marchers? And it wasn’t it Wallace who forcied the National Guard to be called in to allow a handful on black students to enter college. Like everything else, the Dems talked a good game on civil rights but the heir actions revealed their true colors.

  8. Hey Mahar, you’re one of the assholes who brought these fiends to the dance. Now you’re pretending otherwise because it finally dawned on you that these people will have you in their targets next. That was easily predictable over a decade ago.

  9. Bill Maher Calls For the Democrats To Go Back to the Center and Be a Sensible Party

    Dims never made any sense and they never will, just like yourself Maher. Pretending to all of a sudden be conservative Maher doesn’t cut it. A leopard cannot change its spots.

  10. “Go back”? To when? When LBJ tricked the Black voters into voting for their oppressors? When they stole the election from Nixon and installed JFK? When it was controlled by Union goons? Perhaps when the Dixiecrats broke away from the Democrats–until JFK brought them back in.

    Read your history (before the Left rewrites it all). The Democrates have never been centrist or sensible.


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