They Are Now Naming Heat Waves – IOTW Report

They Are Now Naming Heat Waves

Heat waves never existed before. Well, ones with names.

Scientific America-

The world’s first named heat wave hit Seville, Spain, this week, pushing temperatures past 110 degrees Fahrenheit and earning the most severe tier in the city’s new heat wave ranking system.

Heat wave “Zoe” has brought scorching temperatures to the southern part of the country for the last few days, particularly the region of Andalusia where Seville is located. Even in the evenings, the Spanish meteorological service recorded temperatures that hovered in the mid-80s in some areas — an extra stress on the human body, which relies on cooler nights to recover from high daytime heat.

Zoe is the first named heat wave to hit Seville since it officially launched a new pilot program last month for naming and ranking heat waves, similar to hurricanes (Climatewire, June 22). Only the most severe heat waves get names, designated this year in reverse alphabetical order. After Zoe, comes Yago, Xenia, Wenceslao and Vega.


24 Comments on They Are Now Naming Heat Waves

  1. I didn’t bother to read the article but did “they” establish a specific set of parameters in order to describe the “most severe” heatwaves?

  2. FFS. All to drive the false narrative of globull warming. Perhaps it’s a way to track their lies about it all? Dunno, I haven’t had coffee yet.

  3. Eye roll….like giving heat a name is going to make it more dramatic? Why not just call it “HELL?” May as well get use to it, there’s room for more heat, and it’s coming soon – Great Balls of Fire!

  4. Funny how they are doing this just as the NOAA worldwide temperature recording stations are exposed as being set up purposely near major heat sinks to create a false record of i creasing worldwide temperatures:

    “A study that investigated the placement of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) temperature stations found that 96 percent of the facilities used to measure heat failed to meet the agency’s own “uncorrupted placement” standards.”

    I guess they might as well name their ill-begotten “heat wave” spawn.

  5. Is this like the Whether Channel naming snow squalls – wotta buncha mo-mo’s! Can’t decide Whether they’re another campaign arm of the DNC or a former meterological outfit.


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