Alex Jones Sent Picture of His Naked Wife to Roger Stone? – IOTW Report

Alex Jones Sent Picture of His Naked Wife to Roger Stone?

The story involving Alex Jones’ text texts has now taken an unexpected and salacious turn. Jones’ attorneys made a mistake during the recent Sandy Hook defamation trial and unintentionally gave the opposing legal team access to two years’ worth of Jones’ private communications. Jones expressed his displeasure on his Infowars program over the weekend that one of the texts had a “naked photo” of his wife. The inclusion of such a photo was verified on Monday by one of the opposing counsels, Mark Bankston.

He did, however, add an unexpected twist: He said Jones had emailed Roger Stone, a supporter of Jones, the image.

Since Roger Stone saw the intimate photo, “buttinski” Bankston expressed some concern. He said he didn’t know whether it was consensual. Mrs. Erika Wulff Jones should be aware of that if it wasn’t consenting. And perhaps something has to be done in response to it. The Guardian reports that neither Jones nor Stone have responded. Even while Bankston acknowledged that the photo’s transmission may have been consented to, “I don’t see any indication that it was,” he said.

16 Comments on Alex Jones Sent Picture of His Naked Wife to Roger Stone?

  1. It’s funny, the very fact that he has a naked pic of his wife on his phone to begin with reveals some deep-seated anxieties and insecurities about poor Alex.

    His wife is hot, good for him, but having naked pics of her “out there” is just dumb, a beta-move. And I doubt his wife is none too thrilled about this whole affair.

    It also begs the question, whose idea was it to send the pic? Both guys come out scummy.

  2. Bankston acknowledged that the photo’s transmission may have been consented to, “I don’t see any indication that it was,”

    Well, now we know who has the bigger vagina.

  3. “Bankston acknowledged that the photo’s transmission may have been consented to, “I don’t see any indication that it was,””

    Any indication that it wasn’t?
    There’s no indication – PERIOD.
    Both notions are absolutely speculative – so adopting either notion is bias.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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