The Lowest Fertility Rate in the World Just Got Lower – IOTW Report

The Lowest Fertility Rate in the World Just Got Lower


They have broken their own record, but in this case, that’s not a good thing. The Asian nation has again notched the world’s lowest fertility rate and that rank has hit a new low. Data from 2021 released Wednesday found South Korean women bear an average 0.81 children over their lifetime, down from 0.84 the year prior, reports Bloomberg. The BBC reports the comparable rate in “the world’s most advanced economies” is 1.6 children, and that a 2.1 rate is required to keep the population level flat (excluding migration). It’s the sixth decrease in a row for South Korea, which first fell below the 1.0 mark in 2018 and logged more deaths than births in 2020.

There were 260,600 births in 2021, a figure that represents roughly 0.5% of the population. As for what kept more women from having children last year, COVID and a higher cost of living (the BBC describes housing costs there as “astronomical”) were given as factors. In the BBC’s view, “A crisis is brewing,” with the current trend being unsustainable. “If South Korea’s population continues to shrink, there won’t be enough people to grow its economy, look after its aging population, and conscript into its army.” Nikkei Asia has figures to back up those fears.

12 Comments on The Lowest Fertility Rate in the World Just Got Lower

  1. I’m willing to help!

    I love Korean Women.
    My son is on his 3rd deg Black Belt.
    He has had 2 Korean GF’s & they are sweet.
    Their Food is FANTASTIC.
    Cars are Decent (not the best)
    The society is reasonable well ordered & almost as clean as Japan.

    We have 1 Israeli Flag, 1 Korean, 1 Betsy Ross, & one 50 Stars.
    (no maple leaf – these assholes vote Turdeau Liberal)

  2. I wonder what percentage of Korean women of childbearing age got spiked?

    (From now on I’m going to use the term “spike” to replace “jab” because spike does double duty.)

  3. Maybe both men and women in Korea eat too much Kim-chee. I think it is that which leaves a very sharp and unpleasant odor on the breath.

    Maybe the sex over there is just not much fun. I agree that Korean women can look hot, but that Kim-chee breath is a turn-off.

  4. Where and how does Japan compare in this? I understand they’ve had a sub-1 birth rate for some time, and are suffering the effects listed above.


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