Police Don’t Pursue Case of Actor Accused of Rape 5 Years Ago – IOTW Report

Police Don’t Pursue Case of Actor Accused of Rape 5 Years Ago

The Home Alone franchise’s bullying older brother Buzz, played by actor Devin Ratray, has been accused of rape and is the focus of a police inquiry.

Ratray allegedly sexually assaulted Lisa Smith in New York City in 2017. She contacted New York prosecutors to find out why the police report she submitted in 2017 had not been followed up on after learning that Ratray had been detained in Oklahoma and charged with domestic violence in a separate incident involving his girlfriend last year. The case was closed because the authorities assumed she didn’t want to file charges.

We have idiots among us… but we know that.

Authorities are currently looking into the case they ignored 5 years ago.

9 Comments on Police Don’t Pursue Case of Actor Accused of Rape 5 Years Ago

  1. He jumped out of an alley? Smashed her in the head with a tire iron? Dragged her into the alley? Had his way with her? And then… THEN! She found out he was a MOVIE STAR!?

    Yeah. Terrible.

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