Enter Sandman Video with Artificial Intelligence Created Illustrations – IOTW Report

Enter Sandman Video with Artificial Intelligence Created Illustrations

No human created these illustrations. Computers have been programmed with the information required to create original pieces. Based on keywords, the computer spits out “art.”

This technology creates a rift between man and machine. When you read a book, you are aware that the thoughts are coming from a fellow human. It gives it warmth, understanding, compassion.

The same is true of art. You think of the human condition behind the creation, if not overtly, you do subliminally.

This seems cold. It seems to appeal to humans who cannot connect with other humans. It seems… communist. lol

19 Comments on Enter Sandman Video with Artificial Intelligence Created Illustrations

  1. Yet more artistic & realistic than anything you will get out of a student a a liberal arts college.

    It seems the Computers “get it” more than Humans do.

  2. Count me a skeptic on this matter. I don’t really care that this was some machine “output” as before you get to input (never heard that song before, and am unimpressed) there is the matter of programming, and I suspect that is where the lie of a “creative machine” is based. There needs to be an underlying logic, and any randomness, what in humans is creativity, is always pseudo-random.

    Reminds me of AI poetry in the 80’s.

  3. The artificial in AI is what I focus on. Human design is behind it, and God created humans with enough intelligence to create AI.

    AI has to have some input from something, even if it’s another machine. No matter how many steps back you take to the source, eventually you face the fact of human intelligence and creativity. Take it one step further back, and we have only God’s creative power.

    AI proponents are trying to convince us of an absurdity, that intelligence can come from a machine without any human design or input. Darwinians and atheists in general are drawn to AI because they think it gives them a new reason to reject our Creator.

  4. Machines can now out-play any chess player, but big deal: they can also outrun any runner, outlift any weightlifter, etc. Macines never make a mistake. They never get tired. But they can’t invent a thing.

  5. Just stating another form of what has already been said in above comments.

    AI can’t come up with these images without a human giving them first.

    What does never-never land mean to a machine? nothing without it being provided imagery to draw from first for those words.

    What do skulls and crosses mean to a machine? nothing without input during the programming

    Et Cetera, Et Cetera, Et Cetera…

    Too many people are fooled thinking AI is a life of it’s own.

    We should probably learn how to build portable EMP guns. I can think of several scenarios they would useful for in the near future.



    22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
    23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”

    There is another goal that Satan accomplished with the advent of Darwin’s Evolution – minimizing the sanctity of human life and our special relationship with God as being created in his image.

    Pretending this art was created by AI, and not humans, furthers the degradation of humanity.


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