WATCH: Trump “SPY” Caught On Camera – Feds Closing In! – IOTW Report

WATCH: Trump “SPY” Caught On Camera – Feds Closing In!

This is real footage of a mysterious woman who has reportedly snuck into Trump’s Mar-A-Lago.

The woman, named Inna Yashchyshyn, reportedly pretended that she was a member of the “Rothschild” family. She also fraudulently claimed that she was an heiress of a banking fortune.

This is the only known video footage of Yashchyshyn. And it appears as if feds are investigating whether she is a spy.

You can read more about the story here:

20 Comments on WATCH: Trump “SPY” Caught On Camera – Feds Closing In!

  1. looks like bullshit on this one

    the first pic w/ her & Trump looks Photoshopped
    & the one w/ her, Trump & little Linsey is a fake of the first fake, or the first fake is a fake of the second fake … either way they look fake)

    & what for? someone seems to be concocting something because …. ?
    much ado about nothing … methinks

  2. So now the cover story will be the FBI had to seize those documents so Natasha Fatale couldn’t access them. And by the way, isn’t the Secret Service supposed to vet anyone who has access to the President?

  3. Trump needs to shed himself of his SS detail and replace them with warriors with orders to shoot to kill ANY perceived threat. There are many ex Seals and Rangers volunteering.

  4. Brad,

    Good point. I’m sure there are a mot of people who really love him. Get a few of the Vets he honoured and their Kin Folk To keep an eye on the SS.

    …and 2 Belgian Shepherd Dogs to watch ALL of them!

    Cheers, half separated my shoulder today flying over the handlebars.

    God I’m stooopid

  5. Being in Mar-a-Lago is not the same as being in Trump’s residence, just as being in the White House is not the same as being in the East Wing.

    Trump has Secret Service as well as his own trusted security service. Even if an intruder made it to the storage room and broke in, unobserved, the location of the sensitive documents would have to be known in advance. There was little, if any, organization to the boxes or their contents.

    Scammers at political functions is an ever-present phenomenon. After all, there are politicians there. The unelected puppet-in-chief is one of the biggest scammers inside the beltway.

    Did they check to make sure Inna isn’t one of the Vindman twin’s relatives/neighbors/mistresses (all of the above)?

  6. @Brad August 27, 2022 at 10:44 pm

    > There are many ex Seals and Rangers volunteering.

    \”You can lead a horse to water, but you can\’t give a monkey a flame thrower.\”

    (Well, OK, maybe you can.)

  7. If the feds are “investigating” her for being a “spy”, then that means the feds planted her there. The feds dream-up narratives that can damage Trump and then put together stings to make it appear those narratives are real. They’ve done this repeatedly. How else could this bimbo pass a Secret Service background check, which surely must be done on anyone entering President Trump’s circle? And who does background checks?… The F… B… I.

  8. “Did they check to make sure Inna isn’t one of the Vindman twin’s relatives/neighbors/mistresses (all of the above)?”

    I think Vindman mistresses are more likely to be a Blake or a Sheldon than a wobbleknockasaurus rex.

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