California’s “Fast Act” Will Cause Heartburn the Golden State – IOTW Report

California’s “Fast Act” Will Cause Heartburn the Golden State


Democrats in both houses of the California State Legislature have passed a bill that would allow the state to set wages for half a million fast food workers in the state, sending the legislation to Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) for signature. More

17 Comments on California’s “Fast Act” Will Cause Heartburn the Golden State

  1. Me: “I’ll have a cheeseburger, fries and a coke.”
    20-year-old California Kid behind counter: “Wow man, that’s the same thing the guy in front of you ordered.”
    Me: “far out…(pause), man”
    20-year-old California Kid: “I know, it’s cosmic”

  2. I, for one, welcome our robot overlords. Because that\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s what this ends with. A robot making burgers and a bunch of unemployed gimmedats looking for a handout

  3. “Your order’s ready. Oh, hey! Would you like some fries, flies, or lies with that?”

    “Sure. Lay some lies on me.”

    “Okay, but that’ll be an extra buck.”

    “Fine, but it better be good.”

    “See your hamburger meat there? You think that’s beef?”

    “Why wouldn’t it be?”

    “Because it’s genetically engineered, pink faggot crap grown in Bill Gates’ Minnesota lab and slobbered on by a bunch of mouth breathing Somali’s that don’t speak English.”

    “That’s gotta be a lie!”

    “Hey, you paid for it! Have a nice day!”

    (Guy drives off with his burger smelling funny.)

  4. “The bill, AB 257, creates a ten-member politburo, known as the Fast Food Council, which would serve for ten years, until renewed by the legislature. It would govern ‘restaurants consisting of 100 or more establishments nationally that share a common brand, or that are characterized by standardized options for decor, marketing, packaging, products, and services.'”

    Serve for TEN years?? I can’t even begin to imagine what kind of degenerates will get appointed. They’ll probably get a big salary, too.

  5. Board will be made up with the Gavin’s family.
    When the hardware takes over the food will consistently suck and the government will tax each one to help pay for the loss in taxes.

  6. there are a few specific FF locations/places I’ll eat, usually on the road.
    We travel with snacks of dried fruit, nuts, & whatever fresh stuff we find along the way.
    Those greasy burger’s will kill you.

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