Biden Wants God to Prect Our Troops – IOTW Report

Biden Wants God to Prect Our Troops

24 Comments on Biden Wants God to Prect Our Troops

  1. Any professional speaker with even a modicum of experience knows that you can’t hurry through a speech. Stand up comedians even know this. You have to slow yourself down and enunciate clearer or your audience will miss your message.
    This guy wouldn’t even pass a Toastmaster’s meeting.

  2. He\’s counting on his tiny punchy fists to get his points across.

    We might not know what the hell he\’s talking about, but it somehow becomes clear when it\’s punctuated by his wee fists of fury.

  3. Which Biden was this one? Each one has a different cadence and delivery. The “Real” Pedo-Joe could not put a complete sentence together let alone read and mumble at what could be called breakneck speed. I noticed that the trademark “no jokes” were scattered at regular intervals. His body movements were fluid an unlike the most of the earlier “Bidens”. Arthur Roberts or James Woods?

  4. Ok, so Anon…. it’s because we need to “clean our ears out” that we can’t follow along with Bedpan Biden?

    So, every time he trips over his own speech, for instance describing the US with one word, like “Asufutimaehaehfutbw,” it’s because we NEED TO CLEAN OUR EARS OUT.
    Is that the bilge you’re spewing?

    What a pathetic comeback.
    Better head back to the shallow end of the pool, son. You’re in too deep here.

  5. His base was put off by that speech. He did rile up his enemy, the conservative base however to vote in November. So I give the speech a 9+. Donald Trump or Rick DeSantis couldn’t have given a Thursday night speech to shed democrats yet get more Republicans/conservatives/independents to vote against him.

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