The Great Divide(r) – IOTW Report

The Great Divide(r)


Most voters believe President Joe Biden has divided the country despite promising to unite it, a survey from Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group found. 

The survey, obtained first by Breitbart News, found 58.7 percent of voters express the belief that Biden has, indeed, divided the country during his time in office. Just one in five say he has unified the country, and another one in five remain unsure. More

7 Comments on The Great Divide(r)

  1. Say, there, Anonymous – how about some specifics?

    You’ve been watching groups of us shit?
    Isn’t that kind of weird?
    And then you examined the droppings and found them to be “hate?”
    That’s even weirder. What’s “hate” smell like? What’s the consistency of “hate?” Did you eat some to be sure?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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