Gay Superman Who Fights Climate Deniers Dropped by DC Comics – IOTW Report

Gay Superman Who Fights Climate Deniers Dropped by DC Comics

As if Superman wasn’t gay enough. Even the TV series from the 50s were disturbing. Jimmy Olsen looked at Superman like his kryptonite was vagina.


DC Comics has announced the end of its woke “Superman: Son of Kal-El” series at New York Comic-Con as sales for the title continue to tank.

The series, by writer Tom Taylor, was launched with great fanfare a year ago but has not stood the test of comic book sales. The series will end after only 18 issues, with its final new book hitting stands in December, according to Bounding Into Comics.

The bisexual Superman title was so bad, it fell out of the top-selling 50 comics by its third issue.


11 Comments on Gay Superman Who Fights Climate Deniers Dropped by DC Comics

  1. “It’s with a heavy heart that I announce that Gay Superman has been cancelled. Sadly, they don’t get us and probably never will, at least in my lifetime. At least we have 18 issues to look back upon. Sad day indeed.”


  2. No such thing as “gay.”
    They’re perverts – homosexuals – pedophiles – pederasts – faggots – cannibals (they DO eat human meat and juices) – cocksuckers – ass lickers – sodomites – butt fuckers – whatever, but they’re certainly NOT “gay.”
    Their miswiring is probably why all the spook agencies on Earth recruit them and why they adhere so strongly to nihilistic totalitarianism, Nazism, izlam, the Globaloney Warming Hoax, Electric cars, and other stupid bullshit.

    Gay – happy; carefree.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Maybe the tide is turning, maybe the woke brigades who currently thrive on fan baiting are killing profit beyond the point their global masters are comfortable.with.

    Amazon, Warner, META, and Disney are losing billions as the satanic shit they are shoveling gets rejected.

    These Uber rich elitists can afford a certain amount of loss for the cause but with everything woke going broke these days their greed is finally overriding their indulging every whim of the woke jokes.

    Supposing we survive beyond Nov 8 there may be cause for hope.


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