When Will This Madness End? – IOTW Report

When Will This Madness End?

The left needs to be abolished.

26 Comments on When Will This Madness End?

  1. It is WAYYY past time to start treating these people for what they are; mentally ill pedos. We don’t tolerate other forms of mental illness, why are we normalizing this?
    Any parent or grandparent that knowingly brought a child there needs to have that child removed.

  2. Nothing the children of the subhuman pieces of shit who would drag their offspring to haven’t seen acted out in their own homes. This IS progressivism. They are what they are and it is way past time to fail to recognize that.

  3. The stone cold natural fact that the Republican establishment is not who is bringing this up tells you EVERYTHING you need to know regarding their personal family values.

  4. It is incredible to me that people who think that children should never see the inside of a strip joint somehow think that this is not only acceptable but important to expose the kids to.

  5. “It is incredible to me that people who…”

    It is incredible to me that anyone cannot recognize that individuals who would think this is appropriate for children have left humanity behind. The simple fact of the matter is that CPS should and would be actively removing all children from the homes of any adults who were in attendance. There isn’t a one of them who is not demonstrably OK with sexual grooming of children.

  6. Appalling to us is normal to the satanic perverts known as Demonrats.

    They openly worship Lucifer and groom and sexualize as many children as possible.

    In short. they are all sick twisted fucks with no sense of decency or morality.

    To the Alphabet spies that constantly monitor this site for DHS and DOJ, I say repent your evil ways. Would you let your own children witness this depravity?

    Of course you would you souless evil batards, tell Merrick I said “Go straight to hell” since he’s headed there anyway.

    Repent becsuse your day of judgement is coming.

  7. One would imagine what these so-called parents would do if one of these freaks were alone & naked with their son or daughter & they walked in on it. I guaran-damn-tee they would not be tipping them.

  8. This is the town I live in. These goddamn motherfucking faggots and those stupid fat bitches bringing their kids to that perverted filth of a “show” all need to be tossed from high rooftops.

  9. Wild Bill has the best comment. Don’t care what the numbers are under every other post.

    All women.

    That means that the only way we can beat this is by convincing women it is wrong. We have better luck convincing blacks what the 2/3 thing meant.


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