Stacy Abram’s Friend Got Fat Off of Voting Rights Lawsuits – IOTW Report

Stacy Abram’s Friend Got Fat Off of Voting Rights Lawsuits

Red State

A new report published on Monday might end up being the dagger in the heart of Stacey Abrams’ bid to become Georgia’s next governor. Apparently, a voting rights organization founded by the gubernatorial hopeful spent over $25 million over two years on legal fees. Most of the spending went to a boutique law firm co-founded by her campaign’s chairwoman. More.
Bio on Stacy’s friend, Allegra Lawrence-Hardy, Here

9 Comments on Stacy Abram’s Friend Got Fat Off of Voting Rights Lawsuits

  1. Speaking of shirtless, lazy, dull, and talentless I hear there is a full blown social media movement afoot to prevent you white eyes from going to see “Wakanda Forever” Also known as Black Panther 2 during its first week of release (Nov 11).

    Apparently the black supremists on social media claim that this is their blacks only show for the first week and you crackers have the following options:

    1. Get yo ass to da back of da movie bus, use separate snack counters, water fountains, and restrooms, and waits a full week till de black folk be done wit dere show.

    2. If you is a honkey, you needs to buy first week tickets for de po black folk and hands dem out to de POCs to po to buy dere own.

    3. Den youse needs to stans outside de movie show durin de firs week regardless of weather and form a chain of solidarity to prevent udder whites from buying tickets and interrupting dere betters while de fixin to watch de show.

    So hop to Caucasians. Personally this Injun is going straight in.

    Nobody puts a Redman in the corner.

    Curiously I have not seen the instructions for us other POCs. I’m assuming it’s OK for us, just not you pale faces…

    Personally if I was white I would go and presuming a real Black Pather doesn’t shoot you or put you in a coma. I would sue the living shit out of the city, state. county, incorporated area, neighborhood, and theater chain for violating your civil rights.

    Let me know how it goes because Adolph Pedo McFuckface will probably sign A Blacks Only Executive Order allowing the DOJ to arrest you on sight the first week.

    Under the Pedo you have no legal in civil rights white folk.

  2. Follow the money. When Abrams ran for the governor position the first time she had less than $430k. Massive out of state donations were coming in where friends and family were given high paying jobs in her campaign. After the election was over Abrams was worth over $3 million.

    My guess is she is not in it for the office but the money. I expect her net worth this coming January will be at least twice what it was when she announced she was running a second time.


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