The Shape of Things to Come – IOTW Report

The Shape of Things to Come

Conrad Black Commentary in The Epoch Times

All indications now are that the Democrats are finally about to pay for using hate of Donald Trump as a substitute for governing for two years, just as, for four years prior to that, they used Trump hate as a substitute for normal opposition.

The entire fabric of myths, frauds, and defamations that the national political media have conveniently held up as a safety net for the Democratic Party and this terribly incompetent administration is about to disappear, and the Democrats will finally carry the can for 14 years of incompetence and venality—10 failed years under Barack Obama and Joe Biden, with a four-year interlude when frenzied antagonism to the Trump administration was a divertissement of shamefully unconstitutional and obstructive opposition. More

8 Comments on The Shape of Things to Come

  1. I tune to MSNBC some times just for the hell of it.
    99% of the random times I tune in they are plotting about how to get Trump.
    “We got him THIS TIME!”


    It’s so fucking irrational.

    Thing is, I wouldn’t watch any channel that obsessed 24/7 about getting obama or biden*
    Nutbags, all of them.

  2. LBS
    That’s because we go to Church to worship the Lord God Almighty.

    They go to the church of the media where “reporter’s” are the preachers.

    They are demonic 24/7/365 and the demons need their daily religious fix.

  3. “No one in this world, so far as I know … has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.”
    (dead white dude)

    How does one underestimate the infinitesimal? Decidedly an elitist opinion, but one which strongly favors the evidence. There are people who support the Demonrats EVEN KNOWING THE DEMONRATS ARE PICKING THEIR POCKETS!
    New York City?
    St. Louis?
    &c., &c., &c.

    There are those who will continue to chant “Orange Man Bad” until their dying breath.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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