Oz Calls Fetterman’s Bluff, Offers Do-Over Debate – IOTW Report

Oz Calls Fetterman’s Bluff, Offers Do-Over Debate

Townhall: At this point we’ve all seen the clips and read the somewhat unintelligible transcript from Tuesday night’s U.S. Senate Debate in Pennsylvania between Mehmet Oz and John Fetterman. Most have also seen the Fetterman campaign’s laughable spin, claiming that the Democrat did better than expected despite what they say were “delayed captions” — which, again, Fetterman requested due to auditory processing issues stemming from his stroke — the campaign claimed were “filled with errors.”

But now, the Oz campaign is calling Fetterman’s bluff and making an offer to debate again in the final dozen days of the midterm campaign with a captioner of Fetterman and his campaign’s choosing. 

“We’re sorry to hear that the Fetterman campaign was unhappy with how the closed captioning system that they requested was working on Tuesday,” said Brittany Yanick, the Oz campaign’s communications director, in a statement Thursday morning. “We’re happy to do a second debate any time, and let the Fetterman campaign source a closed captioner that they believe is of better quality,” Yanick offered.  more

14 Comments on Oz Calls Fetterman’s Bluff, Offers Do-Over Debate

  1. I wanna like the guy, but Oprah likes him and he’s a Coof nazi.

    Just on the shit I’ve had to deal with personally over the vaxx fraud, I find that last one a REALLY hard hill to climb.

    Not saying I’d vote for Mrs. Fetterman’s husband. Just saying it’s a good thing I’m not in PA because I’d find it REALLY hard to pull the lever for a doctor who bettays his oath.

    To whatever god he prays to.

  2. @SNS ~ kinda simple, really … does one want the d’rats to retain control of the Senate for Biden, or not?

    Oz is a totally flawed candidate & not the one I would have chosen. but there it is … do you vote for someone that’s practically brain dead & a puppet of his illegal alien wife the d’rats, or a mailable candidate that will probably vote against Biden & the d’rats?

    btw, what god does Uncle FesterMan vote for?

    PA’s choice is to vote for Gog/Magog or against him … or don’t vote. it’s Gog wins in 2 out of 3 of those choices

  3. It is stunning that apparently half of Pennsylvania learned during the debate that Fetterman is damaged – something we all knew for months.
    How are so many people so completely unaware?

  4. They are unaware because they are acolytes of the mainstream media and big tech. All their sources of information are controlled by the CIA.

    To quote an imbecile, “not kidding, no joke, it’s not hyperbole, my word as a Cisco”.

  5. fullmetal256,

    Absentee voting when they don’t bother to do signature matching needs to be abolished.

    This has all been talked to death. There was a process for voting that kept the cheating to a minimum. It’s gone and I don’t think it’s coming back. At least not from the sea to shining sea perspective. States controlled by communists will not return to hand counting. Give them the opportunity and they’ll outlaw it nationwide.

    The communists now call themselves progressives. Who doesn’t want progress, right?

    Progress means things must change. You take the average poorly educated person and tell them that hand counting ballots by people of both major political parties is old fashioned and that machines can do it better and faster. They look at it as progress.

    “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America” – BHO

    If we pull it off early next month we slow the transformation. If we lose, hold onto your ass.

  6. SNS-
    Am I right that you’re in Ohio? Do you think JD Vance is a “hold your nose” vote against Ryan? I’d love to feel good about voting for Vance but IMO it’s a lesser of 2 evils again

  7. “The perfect is the enemy of the good.”

    EVERY election is a choice of lesser evils. EVERY ELECTION.
    We are men, not angels.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. erb
    OCTOBER 28, 2022 AT 7:22 AM
    Am I right that you’re in Ohio? Do you think JD Vance is a “hold your nose” vote against Ryan? I’d love to feel good about voting for Vance but IMO it’s a lesser of 2 evils again”

    …you are correct on all. Ryan is openly lying to the point of pretending to be a MAGA in a Dem suit, but there’s NO one who doesn’t know he won’t simply revert to type after an election.

    Vance can be hard to swallow though, I think he’s a DeWhine RINO at best, but as ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ says, there’s at least a CHANCE that he, like Dewars, MAY be forced to do the right thing while there’s NO chance with a Demcepticon.


    It always comes down to the fact that no one who WANTS to govern is worthy of being TRUSTED to govern. The world has so few Cincinnatuses that he’s still the ONLY one anybody remembers.

    And don’t worry, ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, under no circumstances do I vote Dem.

    But Vance isn’t a doctor, where Oz IS.

    Oz isn’t a stupid man, he KNEW better and used his trust and credentials to encourage people to their deaths,and still does so to this day.

    And that isn’t hypothetical to ME. I’ve had to deal with the carnage directly, and expect to do so much more in future.

    And while I’d never vote for a Fetterman, until and unless he at LEAST recanted support for the Death Jab, I wouldn’t be able to vote for an Oz either.

    It’s important, I know.

    But like I said, good thing I’m not in PA…

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