Swinging Suburban Women – IOTW Report

Swinging Suburban Women


The most remarkable finding of the latest Wall Street Journal poll on the mid-term election is the yuuuge swing of suburban women toward the GOP since August:

The new survey shows that white women living in suburban areas, who make up 20% of the electorate, now favor Republicans for Congress by 15 percentage points, moving 27 percentage points away from Democrats since the Journal’s August poll.


15 Comments on Swinging Suburban Women

  1. This is reminiscent of the euphoria I felt when Durham first came on the scene, how in my naive foolish mind, I thought justice would finally visit the FBI criminals.

    Or course it would be delicious to see the likes of Garland, Myorkis, Buttigieg, Wray, and Fauci hold in for congressional hearings and a GOP majority could do this, but this assumes they could make proper hay out of it. Gowdy’s Benghazi nothing sandwich tells me otherwise.

  2. @Brad: The View’s Sunny Hostin: White Suburban Women Voting Republican Are ‘Almost Like Roaches Voting for Raid’

    Except Raid won’t kill us roaches. Ha! Sunny, your party couldn’t even get us with the jab! There’s going to be some wailing and gnashing of teeth election night, enjoy your burn Sunny….you’re already fired up!

  3. SNS – Don’t bite down when yer tongue’s in yer cheek! 🙂
    The combination of Women, Blacks and Latinos put together makes a pretty large group while Liberal men are still trying to figure out whut gender they are!

  4. TRF, they make Joseph Goebbels look like a rank amateur. Except 65% of the country knows it’s bull shit. I think that’s the root of their anger. Soon to be replaced by fear.

  5. I remember back before the 2020 election when suburban women were favoring Biden because “he was just trying to help people”. As if there was something wrong with life in Trumps America with a solid economy, energy independence, NO recession, low interest rates, strong military, 15% return on investments, we were not the laughingstock of the globe and best of all NO Covid Fear Porn!!!


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