Stacey Abrams “Crows” About Largest Black Voter Turnout in Georgia History – IOTW Report

Stacey Abrams “Crows” About Largest Black Voter Turnout in Georgia History

What a chunk of fecal matter this loathsome creature is. She barnstorms the world telling everyone about voter suppression and the return of Jim Crow, and how the new laws implemented by racist white Republicans are designed to steal elections. There is none of that going on.

Instead of being shameful for her lunatic claims she is now beaming.

Daily Mail-

  • Stacey Abrams was among the first to condemn Georgia’s voting reforms, tweeting in March 2021 that they were ‘nothing less than Jim Crow 2.0’
  • Joe Biden echoed her, telling a rally in January this year in Atlanta that ‘Jim Crow 2.0 is about two insidious things: voter suppression and election subversion’
  • Biden added: ‘It’s no longer about who gets to vote; it’s about making it harder to vote. It’s about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all’
  • Yet despite the passage of SB 202 in March 2021 – which made it optional for polling stations to open on Sunday, among other things – early voting is soaring
  • As of Wednesday morning, Georgia is well over the one million mark with 1,017,732 voters casting their ballot during early voting: a new record
  • Abrams on Thursday, asked about the record-breaking votes, said it was despite SB 202 


23 Comments on Stacey Abrams “Crows” About Largest Black Voter Turnout in Georgia History

  1. Pretty similar to 4 years ago. Back then she trumpeted the high voter turnout, particularly among people with skin color similar to hers – and then declared the election illegitimate for the next 4 years. I’m sure this year will be a repeat in every way.

  2. …soooo, given that it’s been all_Black for 200 years, and they’ve DEFINITELY been voting for only Black people in all that time, at what point does Haiti turn into Wakanda?

    …or Congo, or Angola, or Sudan, or…

  3. Joe Squid
    NOVEMBER 4, 2022 AT 9:03 AM
    “I heard that doctor’s have now confirmed that one contracts Black Hairy Tongue by having oral sex with Stacey Abrams. Be warned.”

    …I would expect that if you allowed Stacey Abrams to sit on your face, a Black Eclipse would be the last thing you’d see as a living person, and the first thing you’d regret as you qued up for your Final Judgement.

  4. …ohhh, JIM Crow.


    …nope, she made that all up.

    The only people being disenfranchised THESE days, the only people being institutionally discriminated against THESE days, the only people who can be beaten and raped and killed with impunity THESE days, the only people that have to figure out how to “jump around” racist laws THESE days…

    …are WHITE people.

  5. @SNS
    Years ago, BFH had a “title” contest for a sarcastic version of her “romance novel”.
    My entry was “Hey Lady, I can’t breathe…”
    This was even before george floyd…

  6. Been a few years (more than 50 actually) since I lived on the farm but I think Durocs are black so maybe the headline should read “Duroc Abrams squeals about the largest black voter turnout in history”.

    If black voter turnout was measured by the ton, it would only take a half dozen Abrams and three or four Mooches for that to be true.


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