Our Dual Election System – IOTW Report

Our Dual Election System


The effort to attain votes for candidates is less important than the strategy of collecting ballots.

It should be emphasized; these are two distinctly different election systems.

The system of ballot distribution and collection is far more susceptible to control than the traditional system of votes cast at precincts.

A vote cannot be cast by a person who is no longer alive, or no longer lives in the area.  However, a ballot can be sent, completed and returned regardless of the status of the initially attributed and/or registered individual.

While ballots and votes originate in two totally different processes, the end result of both “ballots” and “votes,” weighing on the presented election outcome, is identical. More

11 Comments on Our Dual Election System

  1. Great Newz: I just looked at “House” races on the CNN website and it looks like the Republicans are leading in 12 races and that they need to win 11 to gain control of the House of Representatives. Ergo, since the Republicans have de facto lost, Democrats will be responsible for ALL of their fuckups since Jan. 2021.

  2. Fedderman started election day already having about a 400,000 vote lead. (Due to “mail in ballots”)

    Sounds like a way to get around the old ballot harvesting and stuffing rules if you ask me.

    This has got to stop. People should be forced, unless proven physically incabable, to go to the polls like it has always was done in America. Too lazy to go to the polls, too bad.

  3. Illegals vote,
    Dead people vote,
    IDs are racist,
    Foreign interference/hacking,
    Ballot mules,
    Those that have moved vote twice or more,
    Homeless are paid to vote,
    Prisoners vote,
    Ballots are stolen,
    Legitimate votes are lost or otherwise not counted,
    Mail-in votes are lost/undelivered/destroyed,
    Dominion code errors,
    Ballot harvesting,
    Seniors are taken advantage of,
    Democrats cheat,
    Republicans cheat,

    ..BUT.. Shut up you election denier! This election, just like all previous elections (sans Orangemanbad), are the most secure and accurate in history. There simply is no fraud and every single ballot is accurately and legitimately and *cough*efficiently*cough* counted as intended by the voter!! Whatever errors or fraud or problems exist have absolutely no weight on any election ever as it happens to only 0.0000000000000001% of ballots. Trust us, we know what’s best for you.

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  5. Perhaps if we keep doing the same thing over and over, the outcome might one day be different. Or we could try to fix the problems with our Deomcrat-controlled election system. Fair and honest elections – what a crazy idea!

  6. Paper fill in ballots only, citizens only, two types of ID, split voting into two days half of the alphabet separate days.
    This would remove the threat of remote cheating, make it harder for noncitizens, would be harder for cheaters and make the voting lines shorter so people could vote faster.


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