LOL – This Hit Piece on Sinema Was Sat On Until She Became an Independent – IOTW Report

LOL – This Hit Piece on Sinema Was Sat On Until She Became an Independent

This report does nothing other than to illustrate how politics works. While a democrat, Sinema can be the biggest schmuck on the hill and no one will say a word. But the minute she strays from the plantation there is a dossier ready to be released on how horrible she is.

Journalists could have found this stuff out if they wanted to and reported on this “big news.” But they never would, they are too busy carrying the water for fellow travelers.


Incredible 37-page guide for Kyrsten Sinema’s aides: Always have a ‘room temperature’ bottle of water on hand, buy her groceries, arrange weekly, hour-long massages – and NEVER book a middle seat on a plane

  • A 37-page guide for Kyrsten Sinema’s staff reveals how they should accommodate her high maintenance political and personal demands
  • A former staffer opened up about the details behind the senator’s requests, including measuring hotel swimming pools to ensure they suit her fitness needs 
  • Sinema, 46, has served as an Arizona senator since 2019 under the Democratic Party before quitting to register as an independent earlier this month

A former aide of Kyrsten Sinema has opened up about the Arizona senator’s ‘unbelievable’ high-maintenance demands, which are detailed in an incredible 37-page document.

The guide given to staff reveals her precise requirements, including the temperature she prefers her drinking water, when she likes to eat, exactly where on the plane she is willing to sit and strict instructions regarding her weekly hour-long massage appointments.

The senator, 46, has served since January 2019 and was formerly a member of the Democratic Party before registering as an independent in 2022. She is known for her bold outfits and teaches at Arizona State University, while also training for Ironman competitions.

But in order to keep up with her busy work and personal schedule, it appears Sinema has put her aides to work – with an anonymous former worker telling The Daily Beast staff were even required to measure the size of hotel swimming pools to ensure they were suitable for her fitness needs.


LOL. The Daily Beast, eh?

18 Comments on LOL – This Hit Piece on Sinema Was Sat On Until She Became an Independent

  1. “She will continue to vote in the same way she has for her first four years .” Just ‘identifying’ as an independent. Still a D through and through. Demanding. Entitled. Bitchy.

    Oh, and THREE MINUTES per constituent meeting? ESAD, bitch.

  2. “… Journalists could have found this stuff out …”
    they already did, or it was given to them recently by schumer/pelosi
    they know this type of stuff, and use their threatening to reveal it, as a form of blackmail.
    that is how the democrats and our government works
    now do swallwell
    it is sort of like in the old time movies- throwing the gun at your adversary when it is out of bullets

  3. Democrat “aides” are much like the “minders” who kept tabs on Soviet politicians and the “political officers” who kept tabs on Soviet soldiers back in the USSR. The Soviets didn’t bother to hide it. They wanted you to know you were being watched 24/7.

    But these flunky mole snitches scampering around politicians are somehow more disgusting, as are the scummy journos to whom they whisper this petty, inconsequential crap.

    I have no affection for Synema, but the worst I can say about this nothingburger is that she’s no better or worse than almost all of the others in Congress as far as ego and imperiousness, and the people who traffic in this trash are just scum.

  4. Oh, please. Every one of these Prima Donnas has their list of needs and I can’t say I blame them. As one example, people that speak at length as part of their job expect their handlers to have water onhand that is prepared to their liking. Oh! The horror, the humanity! These are rich people with rich people problems. Get to work on the price of milk, bread, and gas.

  5. Chickity China the Chinese Chicken December 23, 2022 at 8:36 am

    Don’t be too quick to trust Sinema.

    My policy is not to trust any of them. We all got burned by you know who….. fill in the dots….

  6. Who says she prepared this document? It was probably put together by a senior staffer based on previous times supporting the Senator. Most likely Sinema never saw it prior to the article.

  7. “This report does nothing other than to illustrate how politics works.”
    Exactly, get a load of this crap.

    “staff were even required to measure the size of hotel swimming pools”

    In other words they called to see if the pool was regulation Olympic size. I’m no fan of hers but that’s some damn original wordsmithing right there.

  8. A drunk Daniel Moynihan stumbled into a stationary fork lift in the basement of the SOB and had the operator fired. Ted Kennedy demanded that all the tulips in the beds outside his window in the Capitol be changed because he didn’t like the color (and HE picked the color!) Steny Hoyer’s office in the Capitol was repainted 3 times until he liked the shade of green that HE HAD PICKED OUT!

    They’re ALL assholes. Don’t kid yourselves about that.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Let’s look at the “no middle seat” criteria…

    1. That means she’s flying coach.

    2. Nobody in their right mind selects a middle seat if they can avoid it.

    3. How many members of Congress are scamming first class seats or government jets for their travel needs?

    Notice how “journalists” can literally turn a positive into an implied negative? What’s wrong with wanting a massage once per week if you can afford it and you train for triathlons, which will make you sore?


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