Baby Born at 25 Weeks Heads Home for Christmas After Miracle Recovery – IOTW Report

Baby Born at 25 Weeks Heads Home for Christmas After Miracle Recovery

LifeNews: A baby, born weighing just 750g, who had to spend 102 days in hospital is now big enough and strong enough to spend her first Christmas at home with her family.

Baby Marley Hayes was born in April this year, at just 25 weeks gestation, only one week after the abortion limit in the UK. Doctors at the Doncaster Hospital did everything they could to delay her birth for as long as possible but her mother, Sophie Louise James, a primary school teacher, gave birth to baby Marley just four days after she was admitted into hospital.

Because Marley was so premature, she could not breastfeed and immediately had to be taken to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. She had a brain bleed and renal failure. At just two days old, Marley was found to have hypercalcaemia. This meant that the calcium level in her blood was too high and if it was not reduced, could result in death. Her mother, Sophie, explained “Doctors were stumped about why it was happening. In the end she was taken off calcium completely”. MORE

3 Comments on Baby Born at 25 Weeks Heads Home for Christmas After Miracle Recovery

  1. Back in 87′ my twins were 2# 6 ounces and 3# 2 ounces. Back then that was considered high risk. Born September 28th, got them home for Thanksgiving.

    More threatened today by the health care system that saved them and that they work for today.

  2. My son was born and nearly died at 27 weeks at 2.5 lbs and spent 68 days in the NICU incubating. The nurses and doctors were unparalleled (except one who brought the hormone-whacked mama bear in me 😬) and he grew strong with no health problems like some preemies, thank God. He is a healthy, strong, athletic young man and I am thank God every day.


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