Three Dem Guvs Very Worried Their State Pension Programs Will Fail – IOTW Report

Three Dem Guvs Very Worried Their State Pension Programs Will Fail


Three high-profile Democratic governors are struggling to stabilize their states’ retirement programs due to a falling stock market and may have difficulties paying out benefits in the coming years, according to Politico.

Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Democratic Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker and Democratic New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, all of whom are considered potential candidates for the 2024 presidential race, have poured billions of dollars into their states’ pension funds, according to Politico. They may struggle to maintain their public images if they’re forced to raise taxes or make budget cuts to keep pension payments flowing.

Retirement fund investment plans can’t accrue as much money in weak markets or during times of slow economic growth, so more of the payouts must rely on tax money, according to Politico. Rising interest rates and declines in the stock market during 2022 created a bad investment environment for retirement funds, and 2023 will likely be worse. 


What happens when you can’t buy votes with other people’s money any longer?

Being a leftist politician is the easiest thing in the world. Promise shitheads the moon, use other people’s money, get the vote and live the highlife yourself. And this happens with the media tonguing their buttholes as if they are heroic and fabulous people. The left has ruined this country, and it’s the greatest story never told.

When the SHTF they will hightail it like a Russian oligarch and live the life of luxury in seclusion, all the while blaming others for the dystopia.

15 Comments on Three Dem Guvs Very Worried Their State Pension Programs Will Fail

  1. Not to worry
    They just passed a Trillion Plus Budget last week
    The accountants and adjusters pay will be covered.
    Bankruptcy Chair Seats will be sellable
    Still lots of Money to be had for free

    Speaking of for free

    Just this and had to laugh
    There’s these 3 Money Business Companies advertising on Fox
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    You’ll get a Plastic PIN card or something to that effect.
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    Cryptogrifters have morals and tactics that have been refined for centuries. The Best Bible Salespeople since Paper Moon. If Money is what feeds your heart, you will fit right in.

    PS: Did you hear Sam Bankman-Fried owns a piece of Robinhood?!

    HA HA

  2. Gavin Newsom kicked this pension problem down the road while touting a “surplus”. Now that he’s blown through this fake surplus, he’s worried.

    What an incompetent fool. Just like Papa Biden.


  3. Newscum has a pile of cans he kicked down the road, i hope all of his unbelievably incompetent ruining ( not running) of California is exposed. CA is gone and doesn’t care. He wants be president and do the same to America.

  4. Add Jared Polis of Colorado to that list. Though you can put some of the blame on the dem state congress and a ‘bilateral’ group monitoring the situation stating that 10% (or more) returns can be expected on investments

  5. “Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom,
    Democratic Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker and
    Democratic New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy”

    Seems to be a point of commonality here …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Funny how the most corrupt state governments in the United States are having potential pension trouble, isn’t it?

    Wonder why that is? Skim too deep?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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