Idaho Killer (Update) – IOTW Report

Idaho Killer (Update)

From reader Dave-

In this article, you consolidated Washington’s two largest universities into one name.  The University of Washington (UW) is located in the Seattle area.  Washington State University (WSU) is located in Pullman just across the state line from Moscow.  As a note, the University of Idaho is abbreviated (UI or UofI) which gets confused with other universities with the same initials.

Cops are STILL searching for Idaho suspect’s weapon as he’s charged with four counts of murder: Arrest comes after they traced white Hyundai to his PA address and cross-matched DNA found at crime scene

How SWAT teams descended on sleepy Poconos town to catch Libertarian Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger who was ‘obsessively vegan’, ‘looked drugged at school’, and was cut off by friends after becoming aggressive

SWAT teams descended on a sleepy residential community in Pennsylvania in the early hours of Friday morning to arrest Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger. Albrightsville, a small town in the heart of the Poconos Mountains, is more than 2,000 miles from where the gruesome killings took place in Moscow, Idaho, on November 13. Police say DNA evidence links Kohberger, a 28-year-old criminology PhD student, to the scene. He has not yet commented publicly but is said to have asked if anyone else had been taken into custody when he was detained. Kohberger is a registered Libertarian, although does not appear to have had any active social media profiles at the time of his arrest. A relative told The New York Post Kohberger is ‘OCD’ about his eating habits and forced his family to buy new pots that had never been used to cook meat.

Very strange kid. I worked with him for a bit at a pizza shop. Nice kid but just out there,’ commented one former colleague on social media. 

Lawrence Rosenberg said he attended classes at the Career & Technical Institute with Kohberger, but that he dropped out in 2014 without completing the course. 

‘He would always looked bugged eye’d like on drugs and nobody in the class really never talked to him that’s why he only went for 2 years and left without taking the final exam,’ he said. 

De Sales, where Kohberger obtained his undergraduate degree and where he commissioned a survey of ex-cons on how they committed crimes, released a statement on Friday admonishing the violence of the murders.

‘On Friday, December 30, DeSales University learned of the arrest of Bryan Kohberger in connection with the murder of four University of Idaho students. 

‘Kohberger received a bachelor’s degree in 2020 and completed his graduate studies in June 2022. 

‘As a Catholic, Salesian community, we are devastated by this senseless tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims’ families during this difficult time.’

The University of Washington State, where he was studying recently, is yet to issue a statement. 

Authorities were left baffled by the brutal killings and have repeatedly appealed to the public for help with the case.

Very strange kid. I worked with him for a bit at a pizza shop. Nice kid but just out there,’ commented one former colleague on social media. 

Lawrence Rosenberg said he attended classes at the Career & Technical Institute with Kohberger, but that he dropped out in 2014 without completing the course. 

‘He would always looked bugged eye’d like on drugs and nobody in the class really never talked to him that’s why he only went for 2 years and left without taking the final exam,’ he said. 

De Sales, where Kohberger obtained his undergraduate degree and where he commissioned a survey of ex-cons on how they committed crimes, released a statement on Friday admonishing the violence of the murders.

‘On Friday, December 30, DeSales University learned of the arrest of Bryan Kohberger in connection with the murder of four University of Idaho students. 

‘Kohberger received a bachelor’s degree in 2020 and completed his graduate studies in June 2022. 

‘As a Catholic, Salesian community, we are devastated by this senseless tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims’ families during this difficult time.’

The University of Washington State, where he was studying recently, is yet to issue a statement. 

Authorities were left baffled by the brutal killings and have repeatedly appealed to the public for help with the case.

28 Comments on Idaho Killer (Update)

  1. Remove his genitalia with a dull knife
    force genitalia down his throat
    cover entire body with honey
    bury body to the neck, standing up, in desert
    near ant hill
    Not to be disturbed ’til after liberals have become conservative

  2. Always remember you are innocent in this country until proven guilty. Not by accusations, character assassination and media conferences but by a jury of our peers. I hate these highly publicized cases that get people to forget the importance of this.

  3. It’s Washington State University in Pullman and not University of Wash. State. Sorry to be nitpicky but I am a lifelong resident of Eastern Wash. and whoever wrote this article got the name of WSU wrong. Idaho has the death penalty and this bastard needs to be charged with aggravated first-degree murder and executed ASAP and not by being put to sleep with a lethal drug. Hang or shoot this SOB pronto. They may also have to move his trial out of Moscow or Coeur d’ Alene since there is no way in hell that they will find a fair and impartial jury in N. Idaho

  4. I hate these highly publicized cases that concentrate on the evildoer and give them the fame they desperately seek, and forget about their victims.
    Maybe if media simply withheld the scumbags name until everyone forgot about them, we’d see fewer psychos trying to become historical figures via that route.

  5. I still remember when Ted Bundy killed the sorority girls at FSU. It really shook things up having a mass murder here in Tallahassee.
    Ted hasn’t killed anyone since he had his date with old sparky.

  6. Carlos the Jackal-I bet he remembers exactly where he ditched it so he could retrieve it to use again or sell on EBAY or Craigs List as a collectable, the sick basturd. I say shoot him but not lethally, then strap him in the electric chair but not enough to fry him, then hang him with a loose knot so he strangles himself while shitting his pants.

  7. So the government says they found DNA, no weapon and the guy is a weirdo says some people, relatives. Fry him. Hey if he is guilty by all means throw the book at him but after the last several years I believe nothing authorities says without proof and I’m not going to be manipulated into emotional responses that end my freedom.

  8. For the sake of these young peoples’ parents and family, I’m grateful their murderer has been found. I simply cannot imagine the pain and suffering they are going through — to lose a child, especially through something as senseless as what appears to be a random murder, has got to be the worst thing in the world.

    I bet money this guy was on someone’s psych radar in the recent past. Just speculating, but he’s too old to have gone completely unnoticed for his borderline behavior.

  9. Spurned by one of the girls, perhaps? The lone male just in the wrong place, wrong time? However, another 2 female roommates & the dog heard nothing & were spared? Most dogs that I have been around bark at strangers, especially at 2 or 3 in the morning. It was said to be a party house, maybe the suspect had been there before & knew the layout. Who is going to know during a drunken revel that there is a crazy bastard wandering around? All he had to do was wait for his chance. Very sad & bizarre story.

  10. I have to admit I’m kind of in the anon camp, every since the unibomber, it’s hard for me to fully trust anything when the FBI has been involved at all. If they truly have his DNA, fry him, but don’t wait 25 or 30 years to do it.

    I still though have a hard time believing one person did this alone. In each room you had two people and only a knife was used. One of the rooms was a guy and a girl. The other room two girls. Even if the other roommates couldn’t hear anything, even if everyone was drunk, someone coming at you with a knife is going to sober you up pretty quick. Also the dog, I’ve never seen a dog not bark at a stranger.

    I honestly don’t really like being where I am today, but I don’t trust LE anymore, especially if they’ve allowed the FBI within 50 feet of any investigation. I don’t trust the medical community. I don’t trust anyone in government period.

  11. I sure am glad the libs are focused on gun control for the crazies; that will keep us all safe.

    Oh, wait, the real crazy sociopaths (who are definitely smarter than the stupid lib politicians) are gonna kill with whatever weapon they can get their hands on… or with their hands.

    In the meantime, the story is a reminder that life is messy, evil exists, and even this guy has to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. I hope the victims’ families and friends feel some relief –and maintain some cynicism and stay involved in the process.

    A small but poignant detail: Kudos to (Catholic) DeSales University for a prompt and public acknowledgment. Keep up the transparency and show the bishops and the Vatican how it should be handled when someone associated with your institution is accused of a horrific crime.

  12. He “killed” (allegedly) four future en-titled rulers of the WEF. Including two “girls” who slept in the same bed.

    But because they pass for whitish, MAGAts hate on their “killer”.

    You will not be missed.
    (Well, except by that tranny that killed xer family.)

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