Time Mag: Exercise Is Racist – IOTW Report

Time Mag: Exercise Is Racist

DCN: Yesterday The Washington Post told us that blizzards are racist and today we learn from Time magazine that exercise is racist. At this rate, The New York Times is going to proclaim kitchen sinks racist by tomorrow. When liberals say everything is racist, they ain’t kidding.

Time interviewed a “historian” named Natalia Mehlman Petrzela, who wrote a book about the history of exercising in America. Since a dry subject like that isn’t likely to sell books, she spiced it up with some racism nonsense.

“How did U.S. exercise trends go from reinforcing white supremacy to celebrating Richard Simmons?” Time asked. MORE HERE

14 Comments on Time Mag: Exercise Is Racist

  1. Exercise is for those that like staying ‘in shape’.

    Those that don’t like staying in shape call it ‘racist’.

    Simply because some people are much more lazy than others.

  2. I remember being at a basketball function in a black neighborhood, and there was a black woman ranting on how the CIA is trying to kill all black people. Yes, she was fat. And you’ll never guess what she was scarfing down: greasy fried chicken. Who knew Col. Sanders was a CIA colonel??

  3. Stupid fucks. 70 percent of the top body builders are black.The big reason for that is the darker the skin the better the muscularity shows up. Cuts and striations. That why all the white guys look like they’ve been living in an easy bake oven. Total fail.


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