Norm MacDonald and Telly Savalas and the Show That Never Was – IOTW Report

Norm MacDonald and Telly Savalas and the Show That Never Was

The Sinbad Effect, that phenomenon whereby you believe you experienced something that never happened.

Norm MacDonald relays a hilarious synopsis of a Kojak episode that (most likely) never happened, but it feels right. In fact, I feel like I saw it.

There is a subreddit /Norm Macdonald and the autists over there can’t seem to find the episode. The closest lead is that it may have been a skit on the Carol Burnett Show. In my research I stumbled across this bit, and it is hilarious. There isn’t any entertainment like this on the Tee Vee anymore.

There’s no one like Korman or Savalas anymore.

Someone on YouTube claims to have found the clip- it’s not it.

5 Comments on Norm MacDonald and Telly Savalas and the Show That Never Was

  1. Hard to imagine the double entendre was truly wasted on anyone under about the age of 25 back then.

    Korman played it straight right through. I think his goal always was to get his co-players to crack. He scored frequently on Carol Burnett.

  2. I don’t think Harvey Corman and Tim Conway ever made it all the way through a sketch without both of them laughing themselves silly. You expected it, and it was usually the best part of the show.


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