Gender is the Nose Ring, Ear Gauge, Tramp Stamp and Pet Rock of the 2020s- It’ll Fade Away – IOTW Report

Gender is the Nose Ring, Ear Gauge, Tramp Stamp and Pet Rock of the 2020s- It’ll Fade Away

The Daily Caller lists these “genders.”

  1. Genderfuck: Given as an option on San Francisco’s Guaranteed Income For Transgender People (GIFT), a program that gives monthly payments to transgender individuals making less than $600 per month, “genderfuck” is defined as an “expression that is intentionally fluid” and gives “no clear designation in terms of perceived gender,” according to the University of Rhode Island Gender and Sexuality Center.
  2. Demigirl: The Oregon Department of Education administered a 2022 student health survey that allowed 11-year-olds to choose “demigirl” as a gender option. “Demigirl” is for an individual who feels as if they are female but also feels that they lack a gender, according to the Center For Sexuality and Gender Diversity.
  3. Mahu Kane: A gender identity option provided on the Oregon Department of Education 2022 student health survey is only for students who identify as Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander. “Mahu Kane” is used to describe someone who is “in-between” and has both a masculine and feminine spirit, according to Ka Leo O Hawai’i, a student-run publication run by the University of Hawai’i Board of Regents.
  4. Butch: Another option on San Francisco’s GIFT program, “butch” is a masculine-related identity that is “a distinct gender identity and/or expression” but “does not necessarily imply that one also identifies as a woman or not.”
  5. Graygender: Applicants for the GIFT program were also given the choice to identify as “graygender” which refers to an individual who feels that they have a gender, but are “only mildly interested in expressing it,” the Women’s Media Center reported.
  6. Pangender: In 2022 the Oxford Dictionary added 18 gender identity terms including “pangender” which is a person who has multiple gender identities that they switch between “in a fluid manner.” “Pangender” is different from “pansexual,” which is “the emotional and physical attraction to individuals regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.”
  7. Brotherboy: An Australian term added to the Oxford Dictionary that refers to a person who was “assigned female at birth” but “identifies with or presents a masculine gender expression.”
  8. Cis: A school board member resigned in 2022 after stating she would not vote a “cis white male” for school board president. “Cis,” is short for “cisgender,” which means “whatever gender you are now is the same as what was presumed for you at birth,” according to the Transhub.
  9. X: As of August, New York residents can now have an “X” gender identity marker on their license, according to the Associated Press. “X” is an indication of a gender identity outside of “M” (male) or “F” (female).
  10. Non-Binary: Parents in an Utah school district were given the option to choose if their elementary-school-aged children identify as transgender or non-binary when registering for school. “Non-binary” is an “an umbrella term” for a gender identity that is “between the spectrum of the male and female binary,” according to Transhub.
  11. Enby: Added to Oxford dictionary in 2022, “enby” is another term for non-binary. The dictionary provided an example of “enby” in a sentence: “I’m enby. I’m not trans.”
  12. Faggot: A term listed on the GIFT program, Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “faggot” as a “gay person, used as a term of abuse and disparagement.” The term, however, is being “reappropriated” by those in the “LGBTQ2S+ community,” according to Freddie, an international team of clinicians and pharmacists focused on healthcare of the LGBTQ community.
  13. Agender: An option for 11-year-olds on the Oregon Department of Education 2022 student health survey that means to be lacking of gender.

18 Comments on Gender is the Nose Ring, Ear Gauge, Tramp Stamp and Pet Rock of the 2020s- It’ll Fade Away

  1. Saddest thing: I was in a Guitar Center store before Christmas, and saw this male kid about 12 with a nose ring. What fucking parent would let a kid that age risk damaging the nerves in his nose, risking necrosis and mutiliating his septum. Fucking woke parents, and probably one of them is a pedo:

    https:// blog.mirraw. com/2017/11/24/danger-alert-6-ways-nose-piercings-can-put-health-risk/

  2. “It’ll fade away.”
    Except for those poor children who were fooled into destroying their bodies before they were really old enough to understand what they were doing to themselves. The people that did this to them should be “de-sexed” (castrated or neutered) without anesthesia, then executed.

  3. Satan will not give up. But he can be silenced for a time if there are enough Christians who will bend their knees in prayer to Almighty God. If we turn back to our roots as a Christian nation and work to bring God back as our LORD in all aspects of our society, he will have mercy on us like he did for Israel over and over again.

    If you think that’s impossible, then we already lost.

  4. All this bilge the MSM pumps out is for sole the purpose of distracting us from the thousands of democrat felonies, scandals, and acts of treason. Keep your eyes on the target.

  5. I’ve totally lost patience with these misfits and perverts controlling the narrative. There is no reason to countenance or entertain their lunatic ideaology.
    They need to be run out of our schools, our media and out of the halls of power.

    We don’t really need to tolerate bald dudes in dresses wearing lipstick who steal women’s luggage being in charge.

    I am done with these circus freaks.

  6. I predict an uptick in patricide and matricide some years ahead when all of the very young children now being completely screwed up, physically and mentally, realize how effed up they are because of one or both so-called parents.

  7. Queer was the legalized path to Trans, Trans is the legalized the path to pedophila…

    It will not fade away until sex with children becomes legal.

    I give it 10 years until mission accomplished.

    Don’t belive ne? In Illinois as of yesterday peeping Tom’s are now legal. They can peak in your windows and the worst that will happen is a citation.

    You shoot the perv, and you go to jail. You think I’m kidding, I am not…


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