Turnabout Is Fair Play – IOTW Report

Turnabout Is Fair Play

Gateway Pundit

Now that Democrats have released Trump’s tax returns, an unprecedented and vindictive move, they may regret it.A majority of voters want the tax returns of these Democrats to be released, according to a new poll. You know what they say about payback. Show and Tell

I’m reasonable, start with Pelosi. MORE

13 Comments on Turnabout Is Fair Play

  1. There will be no payback. First, the repubs will not do it – they are on the same side. Second, if they do try, a judge will suddenly decide they can’t and scotus will decline to hear. You need the rule of law for this kind of stuff to work.

  2. Did anyone ever add up all the total theft ? First line would be $100 billion to the Yuki‘s. Add an unimaginable large amount to FTX. And the many hundreds of millions to many hundreds of thousands of bad guys. What else could you do with that fast sum??

  3. Curious

    Some of the biggest stories of the Years and where are the Big Fox Anchors?
    They’ve been AWOL on leave.
    Vaccays or Plotting?

    What have the Big 5 been upto?

    Curious to see what Their Game Plan is upon their returns.

    Like Geraldo and Perino and others oh ohs.

  4. HA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HA!!!!!!!!

    You were SERIOUS about a federal agency outing the criminals who give us our daily bread???

    HA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HAHA ha Ha HA

  5. Fester’s should be fun.
    You can start right from day 1 at $0 and watch the money compile with a man who can’t even ask for a bribe, spell, or type with his fingers.

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